By Jacqui Hunt, Europe Office Director at Equality Now On average two women a week in England and Wales die at the hand of their current or former male partner, and around 85,000 women are raped every year, according to Home Office and Office of National Statistics data. This Friday, the UK government has the opportunity to lead the way on protecting women and girls’ against violence - both in the UK and on the global stage – by voting to...
Trust UKIP to get us out of the EU, Labour wants to keep you in, a poster reads on the streets of Stoke on Trent in preparation for today's crucial by-election. Despite UKIP been entangled in a Paul Nuttall fiasco and Labour imposing a three-line whip on their MPs to vote in favour of the Brexit bill it's clear the issue at the heart of the Brexit capital remains Europe and Britain's exit thereof. If buyers regret seems prevalent in...
By William Makower, Founder Trustee of The National Funding Scheme We British are generous when it comes to giving to charity; something that we should rightly celebrate. In fact a recent report ranks the UK as 1st in Europe and 7th in the world. Supporting this effort are a number of public bodies and organisations that promote effective giving. The Office of Civil Society is the Government department tasked with encouraging giving and volunteering whilst Charities Aid Foundation (founded by the...
By Keith Fernett, Chief Executive of Caritas Anchor House Homelessness and social action charity Caritas Anchor House has finished the construction of its 25 move-on flats for previously homeless people. Caritas Anchor House is a residential and life skills centre for single homeless adults, in the London Borough of Newham, which provides a home and support to up to 250 homeless people each year. By providing education, guidance and personal rehabilitation, they work to ensure each individual grows in confidence and...
By John Baguley, the Chair of the International Fundraising Consultancy With fundraisers following bankers onto the naughty step, uncertainty over the effect of Brexit on accessing funds from Europe, and a new draconian fundraising regulatory regime set up to curb aggressive fundraising techniques, 2016 will definitely go down as annus horribilis for the not-for-profit sector. Public confidence in charities was damaged, fundraisers were concerned about income levels dropping off proverbial cliffs, and charity services to the vulnerable were hacked cut....
This morning's Metro led with the news that British taxpayers footed a £1 million bill for the Daesh bomber who is suspected to have blown himself up in Iraq. Manchester-born Ronald Fiddler had been freed from Guantanamo in 2004 following a legal case that reportedly ran into the millions. On Sunday he drove an explosives-packed 4x4 at an army Base near Mosul, killing and injuring a number of troops. That it comes as a shock that confinement in a known...
As the conflict in Yemen approaches its third year with no end in sight, wide spread devastation has forced millions from their home, and the worsening nutrition situation is threatening more lives than ever before. Mothers and young children are amongst those most heavily affected. Doaa Kutbi, International Medical Corps’ Health Programme Officer based in Aden, knows the struggle better than anybody. She has recently returned to work mere two months after her youngest son was born. Life has changed...
By Nicky Goulder, Create Co-Founder and CEO Last week the Hands Off Our Revolution campaign was launched, through which more than 200 artists, musicians, writers and arts professionals from 40 countries pledged to take part in a series of exhibitions and arts projects around the world confronting the rise of right-wing populism in Europe, the US and elsewhere. Hands Off Our Revolution is a great example of the most common way in which people experience art and creativity being used...
It's a strange state of affairs when the prospect of an all non-league FA Cup quarter final isn't the wackiest thing that could happen in the news this week. But move aside Lincoln, Sutton too perhaps, because regardless of the outcome of tonight's clash no tangible news can any longer compete with fake counterparts been peddled by news outlets, prominent politicians and celebrities. One man who is entangled in all three is President Donald Trump, who despite speaking out about the media's... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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