Since the day the craft beer movement took hold in Britain BrewDog have done all they can to make it their own.
By Dr John Bahadur Lamb, lecturer in Criminology and Security Studies at Birmingham City University The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, has now officially triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty formally notifying the other 28 member states of Europe of The United Kingdom’s intention to leave. Whilst most popular discussion of Brexit has focussed on issues such as immigration, sovereignty of the UK parliament and trade implications, there are also unresolved issues relating to the UK’s defence and security....
By Geoff Prescott, Chief Executive Lepra There are countless articles about how our departure from the EU is going to affect people living in the UK, but there are very few about what it means for UK international charities and their overseas beneficiaries. Wherever one stands on the Brexit issue, there are clearly some implications. Good or bad, boom or bust? Firstly, traditionally UK charities have been very open-minded about getting the best talent for the job wherever the employee...
Who would win in a second referendum? That has been the question on everyone's minds following the referendum in June and the barrage of revelations that followed it. All the indicators point to Remain, but I'm not convinced. Since the shell-shock referendum I've been mindful to remove myself from the same cliques that I operated in when taking a national view of the state of play, and I can tell you that in those circles there's no big indication of Brexit...
By Jeremy Blackburn, RICS Head of UK Policy The triggering of Article 50 has today set Britain on a course to exit the European Union. It is essential now that Government and industry work together to get the best deal possible and ensure our country’s future growth and prosperity. It is everyone’s responsibility to make Brexit work. Britain must retain its front line position on the international stage. Delivering the airport hubs, high-speed rail networks and energy systems needed to...
So today is the day Theresa May fritters our future away, the jesters will sing. What seemed like a triumphant independence day back in June has become a running joke ever since, and those who championed it are the ones left sporting cap n' bells carrying a mock sceptre. Onwards and downwards chaps, onwards and downwards. Despite half of the country voting to remain and only a slightly more (proportionally) opting to leave we are being asked to unite as a country...
By Neil Thorns Director of Advocacy at CAFOD The day is upon us. Article 50 has been triggered, firing the start gun on the negotiations between the UK and the EU. Soon, the focus will shift to another set of negotiations: those on Brexit Britain’s trade deals. And so whatever our opinions on the rights and wrongs of Brexit, the issue now becomes one of protecting rights and preventing wrongs – making sure that the impact of trade deals on...
Militant Hinduism is on the rise in India with the RSS-BJP coalition demonstrating that the far right is growing worryingly active. Rooted in Hindutva - an ideology seeking to establish the hegemony of Hindus and the Hindu way of life - the ruling parties have been adopting economically disastrous policies as well as encouraging militant activities against minority communities, especially Muslims, while providing incentives for deepening the crisis of casteism inside the Hindu community. In Uttar Pradesh, a state that has...
For most people living outside London taking the capital's average salary of £48,023 a year home would be an eye-watering sum, but the reality of the viscous lure put in front of aspirational workers is far from what it seems. With the cost of commuting into London at its highest ever level and renting costs spiralling young Brits are starting to think twice about the fat pay cheques on offer in the Big Smoke and instead considering cut-down wages without all the add-ons.... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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