Boris Johnson – The most indiscreet man in public life in charge of MI6 and GCHQ

During an election campaign there are certain politicians that you suspect would do a lot more for their party’s chances of getting elected if they went caravaning in Outer Mongolia for the whole duration rather than appear anywhere the British public can see them. Boris Johnson as he has proved yet again is definitely towards the top of that list. And yet, somehow the most indiscrete man in British public life has been representing Britain on the world stage for almost...

What is being done about sexual harassment on UK university campuses?

By Audrey Sabatindira It is already fairly well-known that sexual harassment on UK university campuses is at “epidemic” levels. Universities UK has produced a set of recommendations for higher education institutions to implement should they wish to tackle this epidemic. Student activists continue to raise awareness of the issue and hold their universities to account in the implementation of new policies and procedures. So given that we’ve already heard a lot about the issue, what is being done? Many universities have...

Revealed: UK Fire Brigade Slashed By Cuts And Failed Privatisation

Today in a packed press conference, Dave Green of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) warned that with 10,000 less firefighters under Theresa May's watch as Home Secretary, "ability to respond is becoming compromised." Cities such as Greater Manchester and London had seen "huge cuts" the former firefighter explained, adding that nationwide after seven years of cuts the fire and rescue services had lost one in six firefighters. "Our members are very much feeling the strain," he warned, adding "at some point or another...

Next time someone says ‘Money Tree’ send them this

First we had ‘Brexit means Brexit’ then we had ‘Strong and stable’ (or was it ‘Stable and Strong’?), then the ‘Coalition of Chaos’, and now we have ‘The Labour Money Tree’. There seems no end to Theresa May’s PR soundbites (or indeed mud slinging), but the Money Tree one really gets me, especially when I hear it being parroted by friends and family members with little or no economic knowledge. Convincing the electorate that running the country is the same...

Here’s some tough talk Theresa: You can’t fight terrorism on the cheap

Theresa May has declared that "enough is enough" following the terrorist attacks in London on Saturday night which killed seven people and injured 48. The attack has propelled security to the top on the agenda in the final days of the election campaign, and May will no doubt take the opportunity to reinforce the 'strong' element of her widely criticised two-part slogan. Britain's newspapers have been more than happy to sing to her tune. The Metro, The Sun, The Times,...

The perils of voting style over substance

By John Lerwill While I know there are some very decent persons in the Tory ranks, there is an underlying misapprehension by the Tory movement: ignorance of the fact that a true civilisation is measured by how well we look after our weakest and most vulnerable members. Gandhi pointed that out, and it's a feature of most spiritual philosophy. The Tory approach is essentially to do with balancing the books according to business methodology, and in a way that overrides the...

You may say that we’re dreamers, but we’re not the only ones

By Chris Renwick  I've noticed a few recurring arguments against voting for Jeremy Corbyn. Theres one in particular that stands out to me. It comes in different flavours but it is essentially the same argument… “what planet are labour supporters on?” “don't believe the spin, he's a liar like the rest” “get a grip” “you're dreaming yourself into a disaster” “I'll take my money and leave you in your socialist utopia” “anyone voting labour must believe in fairies” “you're in...

Election 2017: The Sliding Doors Edition

Here's a Pro Tip drawn from the world of sportswriting: If you are ever called upon to write a match report – and in football that means you file within ten minutes of the final whistle unless you want to discover just how loudly an editor can scream into a phone – always have two versions of the story ready to roll by halftime. Looking back at the Champions League final of 2005, still my fondest sporting memory in a...

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