
Only one person can save us from this Boris nightmare

Why have the Ravens not fled the Tower? Folklore states when this happens Chaos will ensue. Boris Johnson just became the PM of the UK; surely this is Chaos enough? Fly my pretties fly!

Yes, another unelected PM intent on pandering to the corporate elite and the establishment. He’s already promised tax cuts to high earners after those with least have suffered years of austerity. A man that was previously the Mayor of London, could not be more out of tune with the people living in the City.

Offence is his middle name. He referred to gay men as ‘tank topped bum boys‘ – the kind of statement you might expect of a nasty child, but his offence cuts deep. It also cuts deep when unapologetically referring to black people as ‘picaninnies with watermelon smiles‘. Then there was the letterbox comments about Muslims in hijabs.

His false comments that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was teaching people journalism was cited as evidence against her in an Iranian court, whilst he was foreign secretary.

He has referred to historic sex abuse probes of child rape as ‘money spaffed up the wall’.

Failed to declare

He failed to declare more than £52,000 of outside earnings, breaking house of commons rules, and at the Conservative party Conference in 2017 he offended again with a disgusting reference to Libya ‘I am sure the Libyan city of Sirte would have a bright future as a luxury resort once investors cleared the dead bodies away’.

Not forgetting conspiring with a criminal to give up personal details of a journalist so that he can be hurt, and reports about domestic rucks with his girlfriend. But, just like his blonde mopped US counterpart Trump, Boris manages to shrug it off as ‘exaggerated nonsense’.

His work colleagues, the actual ministers that have worked with the bumbling one, have described him as being lazy. They claim he shows no attention to detail, is un-serious and has a ‘dangerous indiscretion’.

His job at the Telegraph (commonly known as the Tory- graph) paid him £275.000. A fee he once called ‘chicken feed’.

Etonian privilege and back scratching is evident as he continually gets pulled up on accuracy and facts, and yet much like Trump gets away with it time after time. Never is male white privilege more evident and he is the poster boy for it.

Breached accuracy rules

In April 2019 The Independent Press Standards Organisation said Boris had breached accuracy rules by claiming that polls showed a ‘no-deal Brexit’ was more popular ‘by some margin’, rather than Theresa May’s deal or staying in the EU.

Then there was the bus. How can we ever forget that bus. He confidently stood in front of a bus that stated that we could give £350 million a week to the NHS if we leave the EU. Something that was factually debunked and resulted in legal proceedings against him.

If anything symbolises the unrest now felt in the UK, surely it is this bus along with Farage’s fake anti-migrant poster. The UK rightly has a reason to be angry and feel unrest; these career politicians have led us a merry dance with the help of the right-wing press that they are so in bed with.

How you may ask yourself did it come to this? The Tories have always heavily relied on courting the press and indeed have also invested heavily to people like Political Strategist Sir Lynton Crosby to the tune of £140,000 for Boris’s Mayor campaign.

Although that pales into insignificance compared to the £18.5 Million spent on an election that cost them a majority, resulting in Theresa May’s shaking of the magic money tree (the one she kept parroting did not exist) to the tune of over a Billion plus to the DUP in the cash for votes atrocity that appears to be a never ending ransom note. The DUP is no doubt set to remind Boris that their demands will be increasing.

In it together

The Levison enquiry showed that Cameron had at least seven meetings with Murdoch, and this kind of courting of the big money makers that are so terrified of Corbyn coming for their offshore Billions is absolutely central to the Tories strategy. It is also rumoured that the editor of the Daily Mail was one of Theresa May’s first diary appointments when she became Prime Minister.

Boris bleating away at the Telegraph, George Osborne at the Standard, and a whole host of other Tories in a supposedly un-biased profession are filling our media airspace.

They have been consistently using the media to plant fear of the left, whilst using diversion tactics whenever they spectacularly fail. What of course they forget when playing these games is that Corbyn is a real threat for good reason.

Corbyn love

There is a reason Jeremy Corbyn is so loved within his constituency. A spotless voting record always on the side of fairness and social justice. He has famously low expense claims and that little mentioned peace prize. He has personally taken the Labour party to its highest ever membership figures making it the biggest political party in Western Europe. Yet still News Night photo shop a Russian hat on him and picture him in front of the Kremlin and The Sun picture him in a dustbin the day before an election, referring to him as comrade Corbyn.

Murdoch may be one of the richest men on the planet but he doesn’t want to pay his dues like us mere mortals, fair and square. The Government is happy pursue a struggling pensioner for non-payment of council tax, but thinks nothing of their offshore tax haven buddies.

The corrupt arm of the media could not be any further from the truth of course. Corbyn is a man of the people who values success and achievement, something the right doesn’t want you to realise. They would rather you think that all ‘Lefties’ are benefit scroungers, a notion held up constantly by the press and a continual showreel of TV news and fly on the wall programmes.

Posh must mean blue

The Conservative Party relies heavily on the Hyacinth Bucket brigade of ‘posh must mean blue’, conveniently forgetting there are many successful and wealthy on the left side of politics.

The right of British politics has become a tacky war of media headlines desperately hoping to brainwash the masses enough that they parrot headlines with no thought to the actual facts. Make no mistake, the establishment and the corporate elite are threatened and they will fight as dirty as they can. But, whilst they do, so armies of people young and old listen to Corbyn at rallies. Or, if they can manage to see an unedited speech, his words ring so true of the social injustices of the fifth richest Country being a Country of foodbanks and homelessness with every City a carbon copy of corporate elite businesses that pay little or no tax whilst others struggle and fail.

It is definitely time for a change. People power works, regardless of a corrupt media, people have cottoned on to the lies and spin. Boris at number ten may just be the catalyst required to make that change happen. Little will be passed through the house effectively with Boris at the helm so a General Election surely must be imminent and then an effective Corbyn led, transparent Labour Govt can finally end this absurdity and stench. Just don’t expect the headlines to change anytime soon.

Stephanie Starlet

Stephanie is a well versed actor with a background in journalism and music. As well as contributing articles to various national press titles, she is also undertaking a Law LLB

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