
‘World’s smallest violin’ out for Brexiteer Brits being deported as illegals in Spain

Brian Moore wielded the world’s smallest violin after reading reports of Brexit-voting Brits who had been left in tears after being forced to leave Spain – owing to Brexit.

The former rugby union star shared reports in Global 24/7 News that as many as 500 ex-pats are expected to leave Spain in the coming weeks unless they wish to become Spanish residents.

Otherwise they will be deemed illegal immigrants.

According to reports Brits who don’t want to be Spanish will have to return to the UK for 180 days, as their 90-day legal stay will end on March 31, exactly 90 days after British official left the EU.

Speaking to Global 24/7 News at Malaga airport a tearful man named Shaun Cromber admitted to voting for Brexit but didn’t believe that it would result in him not being able to live on the continent.

He said: “Yes I voted out, but I didn’t realise it would come to this, my application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK.”

He added that he feels Spain will regret throwing the British out, but few people will have sympathy for his plight.

Related: Brexit forces bitter British couples to flee EU holiday homes

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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Tags: Brexit