“What the European Union has done over the space of a couple of weeks is quite simply remarkable," Antony Blinken said, making no mention of the UK.
Even Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban has spoken in favour of Ukrainian refugees, saying this week that his country can “tell the difference between who is a migrant and who is a refugee.”
"Right now, at this moment in time, the Kremlin is so angry, so bitter and deluded, that it actually wants a war with NATO," UK historian Dr Peter Caddick-Adams said.
The Ukraine crisis shows how important it is to learn the lessons of the Kindertransport, which saved thousands of Jewish children from the Holocaust.
Ukrainian MPs gathered in the nation's parliament on Thursday and defiantly sung the national anthem.
Spreading "false information" about the war could earn Russians 15 years in prison under brutal new laws.
Lindsey Graham asked: "Is there a Brutus in Russia?"
Mercenaries are said to be alarmed by how accurately Ukrainians had predicted their attempts.
“It is the moment our country has irreversibly anchored itself in the European space,” foreign minister Nicu Popescu said.
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