
‘The Titanic sank because it was too full’: Far-right protester makes a show of herself

It’s your classic ‘if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry’ scenario. A protester on the streets of London – taking part in the demonstrations organised by far-right figures – has given an absolutely mental assessment of how the Titanic sank. Let’s just say analogies aren’t her strong point…

ALSO READ: Liverpool Imam defuses far-right protests – with food, drinks, and hugs

Far-right protests continue across the country

In another day of ignominy across the UK, protesters have been demanding to ‘get their country back’, with many mixed messages about what that actually entails. Events in Manchester, Leeds, Nottingham, and several other major cities have stretched the police to breaking point.

In many locations, counter-protesters have actually outnumbered those on the original demos. Disorder has been largely limited so far, but the windows at a hotel housing asylum seekers in Hull have been smashed-in by agitators in attendance.

Southport murders spark violence

The protests were sparked by the murder of three young girls in Southport on Monday. Over the last few days, violent disorder has lead to burning vehicles and damaged property in Sunderland, Hartlepool, and Aldershot. Mosques have also been targeted by far-right thugs.

However, the hooligans who rocked up haven’t had everything their own way. Who can forget the rioter who got hit in the testicles by a flying brick? It now looks like we’ve got some more comic relief – thanks to this clueless citizen.

What sank the Titanic? Woman claims ‘too many people’ sent ship to its demise

In a video uploaded to Twitter/X on Saturday, one woman delivered a statement that would turn a historian’s blood cold. Comparing the Titanic to the current state of the UK, she claimed that famous vessel sank ‘because it had too many people on board’.

It’ll be a big day in her house when she finds out what an iceberg is…

“Put it another way, when you’ve got the Titanic… and they filled it… with too many people, look what happened. It sank. And that’s exactly what has happened to England. We’ve sunk. There are too many people here.”

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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