
HMS P**s-take: Michelle Mone’s husband ‘splashing £50m on new yacht’

The couple at the centre of a major PPE procurement scandal are ready to sail away from all their troubles. Doug Barrowman, the billionaire businessman and husband of Baroness Michelle Mone, has reportedly ordered a new £50 million yacht for his collection.

Michelle Mone and PPE Medpro – what’s the story?

As per the Daily Mail, it is reported that the vessel is currently being touched-up in Turkey, ahead of its grand unveiling later this year. The 87-metre craft will be used for the infamous pair to ‘travel the world’ – if they can avoid severe punitive sanctions in the UK.

PPE Medpro was awarded Government contracts worth more than £200 million to supply personal protective equipment (PPE) including gowns and facemasks. Mone has conceded she made an “error” in publicly denying her links to the PPE Medpro, but insists she has done nothing wrong otherwise.

The firm, which was set up during the pandemic and was introduced to government representatives by Mone via the VIP lane, is the subject of a National Crime Agency investigation and is facing a £133 million High Court claim from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

Doug Barrowman allegedly eyeing-up new multi-million pound yacht

Based on recent movements, it’s understood that the upgrade to their yacht fleet will be financed by the sale of one of their older boats. Barrowman and Mone have also put a private jet and their Caribbean island property up for sale, worth around £50 million combined.

These latest developments haven’t escaped the attention of Carol Vorderman. The presenter turned political activist has lashed out at the PPE perps, warning that more ‘big stories’ about the businessman and the baroness will soon be made public.

Michelle Mone, Doug Barrowman may come under the spotlight AGAIN

Vorderman shared the work of Dan Neidle, the founder of Tax Policy Associates, who believes Mr. Barrowman has ‘illegally concealed’ details about 25 separate business interests. Perhaps it is little wonder why he’s now charting a course for international waters…

“We’ve traced 25 more Douglas Barrowman companies where they’ve unlawfully concealed the ownership. Companies have to identify their actual human owners, and are only permitted to identify companies as their beneficial owners if those companies report their owners.

“The evidence suggests that Barrowman’s group of companies completely ignores these rules.” | Dan Neidle

You can see the full list provided by Neidle in this Twitter thread – it makes for a compelling read:

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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