
‘We want our money back’: Reeves says Labour will claw back £674 million lost to Covid corruption

Rachel Reeves has committed to clawing back £674 million lost to Covid corruption at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool.

The chancellor has ordered investigations into hundreds of millions of pounds worth of contracts awarded during the pandemic under the Conservatives.

The incoming Covid corruption commissioner will find a full in-tray as the government looks to hold those responsible for fraud to account.

One of those understood to have been flagged by Labour is a contract handed to a cannabis research company for £33 million worth of personal protective equipment.

Michelle Mone’s company PPE Medpro, which was awarded contracts worth £200 million, could also face further scrutiny.

In her speech, Reeves will say: “Billions of pounds of public money handed out to friends and donors of the Conservative party. Billions more defrauded from the taxpayer.

“On entering government, we found £674m of [personal protection equipment] PPE contracts in dispute, where we inherited a recommendation from the previous government that contract recovery should be waived.

“So we are delivering on our commitment to appoint a Covid corruption commissioner. It could not be more urgent. And I have put a block on any contract being abandoned or waived until it has been independently assessed by the Covid commissioner.”

It comes as Labour struggles to get back on the front foot over questions of ethics.

Related: Farage says £30k plane tickets to US are ‘not really gifts’

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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