
WATCH: TikTok influencer gets mad at Tube passengers for ‘ruining her shot’

Now this is what zero self-awareness looks like. A TikTok influencer has gone viral this week, but largely, it’s not for the reasons she would have hoped for – and the account with almost 150,000 followers has received some backlash from Tube users.

TikTok influencer infuriates social media users with her Tube video

The video doing the rounds shows Antonia Lydia trying to get some ‘aesthetic’ shots while using the London Underground network. She poses in front of the trains as they pull into the station, with passengers entering and exiting the the carriages.

However, this proves to be something of an inconvenience for the content creator. She flashes scowls and frowns towards commuters who walk between her and her phone camera. She throws her arms up in exasperation, and rolls her eyes repeatedly.

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TikTok Tube shoot sparks online outcry

There’s a lot to unpick here. The fact she chose Oxford Circus for this shoot, one of the busiest stops on the whole Tube network, speaks volumes for her approach. The influencer seems positively miffed that people aren’t going out of their way, en masse, to accommodate her.

Now, we’re not sure what she was expecting when visiting one of the world’s most frequented transport systems. But it seems her disdain for locals hopping from station to station knows no bounds. As you can see in the video below, she wasn’t impressed one bit…

WATCH: Influencer grows irate with London Underground passengers

The reactions are far from sympathetic…

As you can imagine, the response online has been fierce. Despite the existence of some supportive Tweets, a large majority have been left flabbergasted by the self-centred shoot. Here’s what some of the most vocal critics had to say:

“If someone is dumb enough to try and film ‘aesthetic’ content during busy times on the tube, they deserve to have their shot ruined. Just a crumb of planning could have avoided this”

“If you want a tube platform with no people on it you’ll have to get up early, or stay up late and go when it’s quiet. Sorry, but your TikTok account isn’t my f*****g problem.”

“As a society we’ve become way too accepting of the use of public space as a location for everyone’s dumb little shoots. You’re under no obligation to inconvenience yourself for someone who’s making content. They’re in your space, you aren’t in theirs.”

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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Tags: TikTokTrains