
Watch: Mick Lynch back on screens accusing Tories of being ‘ultra-right clique’

Picket lines were being mounted outside railway stations as members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union at Network Rail and 14 train operators went on strike.

As we expected Mick Lynch was back on our screen today and not backing down.

Against Starmer’s wishes Shadow transport minister Sam Tarry joined striking workers on the picket line at London Euston station, in defiance of Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s orders to stay away.

Here he is:

He told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “If we don’t make a stand today, people’s lives could be lost.”

Asked whether he expects to be sacked by Sir Keir Starmer, Mr Tarry said: “I’ve no idea what Keir will decide to do but I know this – if Keir was in government right now, this dispute wouldn’t be happening.”

 He insisted workers hadn’t been given a suitable offer and stated people in power were “puffing their chests out wanting to make strikes illegal.’

He told Sky News: “It’s only repressive regime’s that stop people going on strike and expressing themselves. The Tory Party is descending into an ultra right clique at the moment”

Here is Liz Truss talking tough on trying to deny the right to strike.

And Grant Shapps was having a pop too.

Mick Lynch, as ever, came onto our screens to defend striking workers and deny he was ‘militant.’

Then on BBC.

The RMT also shared his comments.

And Jeremy Corbyn even popped down to see the striking workers at Euston.


Here is what some people are saying about him this morning:







Related: Watch: Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss explain why you should never vote Tory again

Joe Mellor

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Tags: Mick Lynch