
Jeff Stelling brands government a ‘national disgrace’ over eating disorder policies

During his penultimate appearance as host of Soccer Saturday this weekend, Jeff Stelling took the opportunity to lambast the government and its approach to patients with eating disorders.

Jeff Stelling rips into government approach to eating disorders

The veteran broadcaster, who has helmed the iconic show over the last three decades, briefly shifted away from talking about the football and instead spoke about an issue extremely close to his heart.

Stelling used his platform to draw attention to the struggles faced by those with conditions such as anorexia and bulimia. He slammed the Tory government’s recent decision to add calories onto menus, branding their policy on eating disorders as a ‘national disgrace’.

Soccer Saturday host outraged by eating disorder policies

The beloved presenter was also left seething with the way treatment is applied to those in care. He spoke about some patients who are told they are ‘not thin enough’ for treatment, creating a spiral which forces them into more dangerous eating habits.

“More people die from eating disorders than any other mental health condition every year. The government’s lack of awareness and lack of funding is a national disgrace. They decided to put calories on every menu, for goodness sakes.”

“Some patients are being told ‘they are not thin enough’ for treatment. So they go away, lose more weight, become suicidal, and then get told they are ‘too thin’ for treatment, and offered palliative care. This, in 2023. Eating disorders are being swept under the carpet.” | Jeff Stelling

When is Jeff Stelling’s last show?

Mr. Stelling is no stranger to a passionate monologue on Soccer Saturday. The Hartlepool-born wordsmith launched a heartfelt defence of Middlesbrough in 2008, when it was voted as ‘one of the worst places to live’ in a national poll.

He frequently advocates for charities and fundraisers, too. And when it comes to talking about the football, there’s no-one who does it better than him. Sadly, his final bow will come next Sunday, during the conclusion of the 2022/23 Premier League season.

You’ve been unbelievable, Jeff!

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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