
Watch – Eyewitness account of London terror attack

Yesterday a man went on a murderous rampage through the streets of London in a car, killing three people and injuring many others, some remain in critical condition, and the death toll could rise.

A police officer, PC Palmer, was stabbed to death, and another woman jumped into the Thames to avoid the vehicle.

John Bercow, the Speaker, even closed Parliament, and kept MPs’ inside the building for hours until the terror threat subsided.

Mrs May paid tribute to PC Palmer saying: “He was every inch a hero and his actions will never be forgotten.”

She told MPs, many of whom had been caught up in the commotion: “We will never waver in the face of terrorism.”

Lots of videos of pictures have emerged from the scene, as it is near a huge political media hub and a large amount of tourists were in the area, with camera phones etc.

The eyewitness account and video below are shocking and viewer discretion is advised.

Watch video here

The video below shows some shocking footage in the aftermath of the attack.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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