
Vulnerable pensioners forced to queue around the block for vaccinations

A long queue has been seen in Forest Hill, south London, as residents lined up to receive Covid-19 vaccinations.

Maria Demetrious filmed a queue winding around several corners after dropping off her father, 85, and mother, 79, for his vaccine at the Jenner Practice on Friday.

She told the PA news agency that her parents left before her father received his vaccine, although his GP is in the process of rearranging the appointment.

Her brother Paul Demetrious, who posted the video on Twitter, said: “My parents have been isolating since February 20. On arrival for dad’s Covid-19 vaccine time slot met this circus! They left without it!”

Ms Demetrious told PA: “Their own GP has been in contact to make sure they are okay, and is arranging something else.

“I must say he has been a rock throughout many years of knowing my parents, and this is no reflection on him or that practice.

“I’m hopeful now they will be able to get the vaccine soon in a safe environment and not encounter the same as yesterday.”

Commenting on the video, Lewisham CCG said: “We’re sorry your parents faced this situation.

“This was the first vaccination day for the service, lessons have been learned. Vaccinators doubled to reduce waiting time; patients asked to arrive five minutes before appointment.

“These will ease queues and hopefully reassure your parents.”

The Care Quality Commission commented on the video saying that the incident had been raised for review.

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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