
Video ‘Dressing up as Alan Partridge’ – Farage mocked for visit to hotel housing asylum seekers

Nigel Farage visited the Bromsgrove Hotel and Spa in Worcestershire with camera crews to film an attempted expose about migrants.

In the clip on hosted on his YouTubechannel, he waltzed through the hotel which was housing 147 asylum seekers following a tip-off from locals.

He was slammed by politicians and social media users who didn’t see the point of the trip. He came under similar criticism during the height of the lockdown when he was visited by police after he drove 100 miles to the Kent coast to rant about migrants.

He claimed police had visited him at his door following his visit to Dover despite Britain’s stay-at-home orders

Bromsgrove Liberal Democrats spokesperson Sam Evans accused him of whipping up hatred in the local community.

“Whilst we understand concerns about illegal immigration, it is unacceptable that Mr Farage should travel to Bromsgrove to make a video criticising people temporarily housed here for safety reasons due to the pandemic.

“These people are not illegal immigrants and are legitimately housed in our local area whilst awaiting a decision on their status.

“Due to UK law they are prohibited from working in the UK.”

Temporary accommodation

The Home Office commented: “We have moved asylum seekers, where necessary to do so, into temporary accommodation to protect them and ensure social distancing.

“This is to help stop the spread of coronavirus in line with public health guidance.

“We would like to acknowledge the work that local authorities have done to support these temporary arrangements.“

However, on social media it appeared he had gone all Alan Partridge…again.

He could stay here?

Could have called ahead?

Or maybe they didn’t want him there at all?

Does it make your skin crawl?

Watch video here

Related – Former Telegraph editor who fat shamed nurses to be given a peerage – along with a host of Brexiteers

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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