
Vicious gang kicked & stamped on man’s head after minor row on tube train station platform

A vicious gang kicked and stamped on a man’s head so hard that he sustained a life-changing brain injury after a minor row on a train station platform.

Ali Ali, Gessica Goti, Mohamed Abdulle, 22, and Fiona Abdillahi, 18, launched a brutal attack on two 40-year-old men at Oxford Circus Tube station.

Goti, 22, hit one of the men on the platform, who pushed her back, before Ali smashed him over the head.

Ali, 20, hit him with a large glass bottle. When the victim collapsed and fell to the floor, the group began kicking and stamping on his head.

He was put in a coma for five days and left with life-changing brain injuries after the assault, on November 5, 2017.

The other victim was bottled to the ground by Ali and Abdulle, before the group fled, leaving him with facial injuries and a laceration to the back of the head.

The group were sentenced to eight years in prison after their first victim said his “life is over”.

In a victim impact statement which was read out in court, the first victim said: “My old life is over after this incident.”

Ali, of Islington, was found guilty of one count of GBH and one count of violent disorder at Blackfriars Crown Court on December 19.

He was sentenced on January 25 to four years in prison for GBH, and three years for violent disorder to run concurrently.

Goti, of Wembley, was found guilty of violent disorder and sentenced to 16 months in prison.

Abdulle, from Bristol and Abdillahi, of West Brompton, both pleaded guilty to violent disorder and were sentenced three years in prison and ten months suspended respectively.

DC Paul Burbridge said: “This was an incredibly violent and unnecessary attack, and the victim is lucky to be alive.

“Regardless, the rest of his life will now be effected by the serious injuries he sustained at the hands of these aggressive young people.

“I am pleased that the jury saw fit to convict them, and of the assistance provided by the general public in identifying the perpetrators so they could be brought before the courts.

“I hope this serves as a clear reminder to people that we absolutely will not tolerate any form of violence on the rail network.”

By Grainne Cuffe


This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by SWNS news agency.

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