
Veteran newspaper editor delivers devastating assessment of 13 years of Tory government

Reminders of Sir Max Hastings’ LBC interview with Andrew Marr have been making the rounds on social media as the Tory Party find themselves in yet more hot water over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Prime minister Rishi Sunak attempted to appease all sides during PMQs today, saying he is a “Conservative, a Brexiter and a unionist, and any agreement that we reach needs to tick all three boxes”.

But he has an increasingly difficult battle with the ERG on his hands, which could lead to him having to go back to the drawing board to push through a deal that was supposedly ‘oven ready’.

Speaking to Marr last year, Hastings delivered a scathing review of where the party is currently at.

“If there is one thing worse for a country or for a politician than being hated, it’s seeming ridiculous.

“I don’t think, especially some Tories, seem to understand how Americans and how Europeans are viewing us.

“They don’t hate us they just look at us with complete disbelief – ‘What has this country done to itself for the last 15 years?’”

Watch the clip in full below:

Related: Fear and Loathing in the New Conservatives

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