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Theresa May to face first grassroots vote to oust a PM in the history of the Conservative Party

Theresa May will become the first Conservative leader in the party’s history to face a grassroots vote to oust her after rank and file activists forced an Emergency General Meeting to discuss the party’s leadership.

The Prime Minister is set to be hauled in front of a meeting of 800 constituency chairmen and senior activists in June, who will decide whether to demand her resignation for failing to deliver Brexit.

Although the vote will not be binding, losing it would be Mrs May’s deepest humiliation yet, The Mirror has reported.

A total of 70 constituency chairmen have now signed the petition to demand an EGM for a vote on Mrs May’s leadership – passing the 10 per cent threshold of 65 of them.

The news was delivered to Mrs May by the head of the Tories’ voluntary wing, Andrew Sharpe, who saw the PM in person in No10 yesterday afternoon.

The petition reads: “We no longer feel that Mrs May is the right person to continue as Prime Minister to lead us forward in the negotiations.

“We therefore with great reluctance ask that she considers her position and resigns, to allow the Conservative Party to choose another leader, and the Country to move forward and negotiate our exit from the EU.”

Tory bosses must give a minimum of 28 days notice to hold the EGM once a venue for it is found, giving it a likely date of early June.


Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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