
Photographer waits 12 months to take pic of Milky Way off coast of Devon

A photographer has taken a stunning picture of the Milky Way off British coast – that he waited a year to capture.

Talented Rob Stillwell, 36, said he had to wait until the conditions were perfect to capture the out-of-this-world image.

He took advantage of a small window of opportunity when there was a new moon, the right weather conditions and lack of light pollution.

In his starry image taken behind Great Mewston, Wembury, Devon. he also captured the reflection of the planet Jupiter

Rob, of Plymouth, Devon, said: “Every year I try and capture a new place with the summer sky and the Milky Way.


“There is only a small window when everything it lined up perfectly. I like to pick iconic places that people have an association with.

“I waited for the right night to get the photos and this was taken between midnight to 1am.

“There are only around three hours of darkness when you can do it. Each year the sky is different.

“I have a good camera and you need a decent lens that lets in good light and only around 10-20 seconds of exposure.

“But it is much more about the right weather. When you get the right conditions it is about taking a punt and going for a walk in the middle of the night.

“I am really pleased with how it has turned out.”


This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by SWNS news agency.

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