The preserved Chinese giant salamander once lived at ZSL London Zoo and has been on display at the Natural History Museum for 74 years.
It's more than twice the mass of the sun - and about 700,000 times heavier than Earth.
Nicknamed the frozen dragon of the north, the 75 million year old fossil is new to science.
The Ig Nobel awards, which celebrate weird, odd and head-scratching scientific discoveries, were handed out at an annual ceremony this week.
Palaeontologists working on the Burgess Shale fossil-bearing deposit in the Canadian Rockies discovered the new species, called Mollisonia plenovenatrix
K2-18b, which is eight times the mass of Earth, is now the only planet orbiting a star outside the solar system known to have both water and temperatures that could support life
Specialists saved Holly Hutchinson using a different technique after he heart became infected.
They may have an even greater variety of life - harbouring weird and wonderful aliens beyond our wildest imagination.
They belonged to a primitive crane fly and contained eumelin - a natural pigment found in human peepers – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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