How will the World end?

Want to know how will the world will end?  Here we give you a rundown of the most likely ways the human race (and the world as we know it) will be obliterated... We've scoured the bookmakers and the web to find the odds of each scenario happening.  If you'd like to place a bet, we'll pay out once mankind has been wiped out.  Winner takes all. This isn't an exhaustive list, so please feel free to comment and add...

Video – What would happen if humans disappeared?

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Would the earth survive without us? If every human suddenly vanished, left the planet or were wiped out (cheery thought) what would happen to the planet? A video has been produced that illustrates what they think would happen, and the earth does pretty well without us to be fair. It is a pretty harsh start with domesticated animals passing away but things do improve. Our towns and cities will become covered in foliage and vegetation....

NHS WON’T fund drug that helps prevent HIV

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor For the second time NHS England has refused to fund a preventative treatment for HIV. Earlier this year they said they would not fund pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a drug described as a "game changer" by HIV charities.
 The decision has caused wide spread anger by AIDS charities and those at high risk of catching the infection and the wider general public. PrEP helps prevent infection in people without HIV who are at substantial risk of...

3 Earth-Like Planets “Best Chance Yet Of Finding Extraterrestrial Life”

Three Earth-like planets have been discovered by scientists which offer the best chance yet of finding extraterrestrial life. A groundbreaking report, published in Nature, revealed that the Earth-sized planets that orbit around a small star nearly 40 light years away could represent astronomers' best chance yet of finding life outside our Solar System. The planets orbit close enough to their host star to maintain temperatures comparable to those on Earth, opening up the possibility that water could pool on their...

VIDEO – Canadian PM explains quantum computing, could Cameron?

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor When a journalist half-asked Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to explain quantum computing, he probably didn’t expect an answer. However, he was surprised when the young left-wing PM gave clear and concise answer to the question, during a press conference at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He replied: “Very simply…normal computers work, either there’s power going through a wire or not—a one, or a zero. They’re binary systems,” said Trudeau, triggering a wave of surprised...

Toy Dog Lost In Space By School Children

A nation-wide search has been launched after Sam the Space Dog was lost in space. Children from Morecambe Bay Community Primary school launched the dog into space attached to a helium balloon with a GPS tracker and a GoPro. But when the payload returned to earth, the dog was nowhere to be seen. Chris Rose, from, which creates educational space missions for schools and helped with the launch, told the Lancashire Evening News: “Our GPS tracking equipment and live telemetry...

Martin Shkreli maybe a Jerk but is a symptom of what’s wrong with Pharma Industry

By Ben Ramanauskas Martin Shkreli has managed to engender feelings of revulsion in the vast majority of the population. He incurred widespread odium when his company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, acquired the drug Daraprim, which is commonly used to treat toxoplasmosis, which kills people with weakened immune systems, such as people suffering from AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy. The parasite which causes toxoplasmosis lives inside of one third of the population, in tiny cysts that go undetected because they are quarantined in our...

The Rise of the Superbug

By Professor Colin Garner, Chief Executive of Antibiotic Research UK, comments: Today, patients undergoing routine treatments such as cancer treatment, organ transplantation and hip and knee replacements, are given antibiotics to prevent infection during these treatments. However, the frequency of antibiotic resistant infections is increasing, meaning that there are more and more deaths from antibiotic resistant bacteria. Sepsis is a common cause of death in the UK with over 37,000 deaths each year, more than lung cancer (35,000) and bowel cancer...

Help the environment and reduce your winter business costs

This week warnings from climate change scientists this informed us that the world is halfway towards the threshold that could result in dangerous climate change, revealing that average global temperatures have recorded a rise of one degree Celsius for the first time. The met office informed us that record warm temperatures measured in the first nine months of this year mean that the world has already reached the halfway point towards the arbitrary “threshold” of a 2C increase on pre-industrial...

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