Researchers warn that sea level rises could reach a metre by the end of a century as a result.
"This is devastating. Oxford University has performed brilliant work towards developing a Covid-19 vaccine, but cancer has not gone away."
The images were captured last month by the Solar Orbiter, a probe designed and built in the UK.
June saw a new reported record high Arctic temperature, on the back of unusually hot conditions since the beginning of 2020
Researchers say dexamethasone is the only drug so far to reduce mortality and advice is going out to all NHS hospitals to act on the results.
"Our new research suggests that searches for extraterrestrial intelligent civilisations not only reveals the existence of how life forms, but also gives us clues for how long our own civilisation will last."
"That is going to mean a lot of elderly are going to die and those with heart conditions and diabetes and other risk factors and this for me is just unacceptable."
The Justice Secretary was speaking after Cabinet colleague Therese Coffey tried to deflect criticism about key decisions.
Sir David King said the US President is ‘making it up as he goes along’ following Mr Trump’s revelation he is using hydroxychloroquine. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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