The £2.45 billion mission will build on the work of its predecessor Kepler that found more than 2,600 planets outside our solar system before its mission ended last October
Scientists say the ground-breaking technique can efficiently convert CO2 from a gas into solid particles of carbon
And there are found strong genetic links with depression and anxiety.
A study has shown that the average field has just 9 worms per spadeful of soil - almost half of the number there should be
Scientists say the Gaskiers glaciation could have been triggered by huge amounts of carbon dioxide being absorbed as part of the weathering process of the solidified lava
The small but speedy flesh-eater was the size was a modern mule deer native to western North America, being up to four foot tall and weighing around 180 pounds
At only 21 miles wide, it's among the smallest in the solar system - explaining how it's eluded astronomers
And shocked scientists have named it Mary after the mother of Jesus Christ.
And they were eco-warriors, using an environmentally sustainable strategy - targeting adults so the creatures would live on to feed future generations for millennia. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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