Extreme spaceflight conditions can turn harmless bacteria into dangerous germs that multiply faster and secrete protective slimes, ISS astronauts found
Previously they could only use distilled fresh water which was expensive and would use up precious reserves.
They processed sound in the same way as alligators - their closest living relative
Over the last 540 million years the Earth has weathered three such events - with ice sheets and glaciers stretching far beyond the polar cap
The findings showed that, concentration-wise, the phone contained 100 times more gold – and 10 times more tungsten – than geologists would call ‘high-grade’.
Analysis of pig remains reveals that feasts in the Stonehenge area and across the ancient kingdom of Wessex attracted people and their beasts from hundreds of miles away
In startling news scientists have somehow managed to reverse the direction of time, using a quantum computer. Researchers working with a quantum computer used subatomic particles and observed them travelling back in time, appearing to break a cardinal rule of physics. Their experiment defies the second law of thermodynamics – a rule of physics that governs the direction of events from the past to the future, with time running in one direction. Negatively-charged electrons reordered themselves in their original order...
It was only identified through its teeth - and fills a six million year gap in the fossil record.
It offers hope of patients being given drugs decades before symptoms develop when they are most likely to work.
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