They pilot-tested the technique by researchers from the University of Birmingham at dozens of sites across the English Channel
International climate change models - such as in the Paris Agreement - are based on installing carbon capture at coal and natural gas power stations
A dog's ability to use their smell receptors which are 10,000 time more accurate than humans' can be used to detect malignant lung cancer in patients.
Man's destruction of planet means life on Earth could take equally as long to recover as it did after the "Great Dying" more than 60 million years ago
A Martian meteorite found in Antarctica over 40 years ago had cracks or 'veins' made by green algae and other bacteria, say scientists.
In September, a £2.4 million cancer centre in Belfast became the first in the UK to offer it to British women.
Depression,obesity & chronic pain are linked and could be treated with new drugs
The Mini mum is just 8-11mm long. Other new species have been named Mini scule, with the largest, Miniature, a 'whopping' 15mm long.
The Gault asteroid is just 2.5 miles wide and is currently 214 million miles from the Sun. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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