This shows that the interaction between smell and taste, the primary components of food flavour, may begin on the tongue and not in the brain as previously thought.
Researchers found that leaves from three herbs, that are exclusive to the island, contain compounds that stop the growth of cancer cells in the oesophagus
The study was the first to pinpoint the "crucial turning point in the history of humanity" when the global population became animal herders
The massive mammal larger than any big cat stalking the world today was the top predator 23 million years ago when early apes and monkeys were struggling to survive
It gave them the thinking power of someone in their 50s - through just five 20 minute sessions, say scientists.
It is a protein that fuels the tumour - offering hope of a drug that stops it in its tracks, say scientists.
The "Frankenschwein" Easter 'resurrections' offer hope humans could one day return from 'the other side'.
The reason why a lightning channel is 'reused' is explained after a radio telescope was used to study the development of lightning flashes in unprecedented detail.
Amy Mainzer, 45, warned current telescopes makes it very hard to spot them until it's too late to stop them hitting our planet "very hard." – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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