Research revealed half of parents – including 59 per cent of those under 25 - feel the so-called ‘anti-vaxx’ movement is becoming more influential.
Ice cores from the French Alps have revealed mining for lead and silver led to poisons being released into the air more than 2,000 years ago.
Professor Arindam Banerjee and his team are making great leaps studying how certain materials react in extreme environments - which may one day be used to help pioneer space travel.
An increased risk of circulatory diseases has been linked to nuclear workers for years- even though it has not been proven biologically
The ancient arthropod, whose name means 'thousand feet' in Latin, was so perfectly preserved it has been digitally reconstructed - in stunning detail
Vital bits of DNA that turn on genes in blood vessels and arteries are lower in those who don't get enough shut eye
The shock findings of a new study raise questions whether 'biodegradable' materials can be relied on as a realistic solution to the plastic pollution problem
According to a new study, artificial nacre was made using two strains of bacteria and has produced a tough, lightweight material that has the same structure as the real thing.
And a phobia of ants can be reduced by the same amount with a clip from Antman, they say. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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