Data collected from the submarines's first expedition will help climate scientists build more accurate predictions of the effects of climate change on rising sea levels
A team from Australia were able to turn the waste into a replacement for industrial flooring - which opens the door for new uses for old glass.
The singing star produces bass notes thousands of times deeper than a human ear can hear.
Experts at the University of York used similar DNA methods that trace human ancestors to look at archaeological seeds used in wine production.
It was caused by a 13 billion ton space rock that crashed near the present-day town of Ullapool - 1.2 billion years ago.
The tracks could also function as "stepping stones" connecting different groups of frogs, according to a study
The shells of tiny rockpool crabs which are often spotted along Britain's coasts include several colours and patterns to distort the outline of their bodies.
University of Sussex Flat Earth Society are expecting to host more than 800 people at their first ever official ball - which will see students and like-minded thinkers gather to talk about how they think the earth is not round.
Earth-style quakes are wrinkling it "like a raisin" - creating step like cliffs called 'scarps' – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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