An inch thick layer of tiles made out of silica aerogel - a fluffy white powder that is mostly air - would be enough to insulate the frozen world
It dates back 210,000 years and is the earliest evidence of modern humans on the continent - rewriting the history of mankind
Around 500 species like clownfish made famous by Finding Nemo and the Caribbean bluehead wrasse, routinely change their sex in adulthood.
A Nasa facility in West Virginia has been renamed in honour of a native of the state whose calculations helped put men on the moon 50 years ago. Katherine Johnson was portrayed in the film Hidden Figures and is now 100 years old. She did not attend Tuesday’s ceremony in Fairmont but was represented by two of her daughters, Joylette Hylick and Katherine Moore. News outlets report elected officials, the Nasa administrator and a former astronaut were at...
Tens of thousands of tourists and locals gathered as a total eclipse of the sun darkened the skies over Chile and Argentina. Tourists from around the world witnessed the cosmic spectacle, which began in the morning as the moon crossed in front of the sun and cast a shadow that passed over a tiny uninhabited atoll in the South Pacific and headed to South America. Chile and Argentina were the only inhabited places where the total eclipse could be seen....
They are the latest shots of a 170 year-long firework show which started with the star's ‘Great Eruption’ in the 1840s.
It is the first known object to pass through solar system from outside, but experts have failed to explain where the object named 'Oumuamua' came from.
Nasa is to open some pristine samples of moon rocks and dirt which have been stored for decades after being collected by Apollo astronauts. Hundreds of pounds of moon rocks are locked up at Johnson Space Centre in Houston, and lab workers are preparing to give some of the samples to scientists for study. Nine US research teams will get a sliver of lunar loot to examine. Next month marks the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo moon landing, but...
Scientists have long struggled to identify patterns for earthquakes, leading to suggestions they strike at random – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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