
Ruth Davidson tells Conservative party to “man up” and get over “nervous breakdown”

Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson has come out swinging for the Tories, and seems to be the only one up for the fight, to beat Labour, rather than each other.

She said that the Conservative Party needs to “get over its current nervous breakdown and man up.”

Davidson said that the support for Jeremy Corbyn will drop off and she will “start the fight.” Currently the main battle in the Conservative Party appears to be between Boris Johnson and Theresa May.

In front of a room of 300 people she was asked if she is the person to save her party, responding: “I don’t think the party needs saving.

“I think it needs to get over its current nervous breakdown and man up a little bit.”

She added: “There is a point at which you have to lift your eyes to the horizons as well.”

She went on: “What I’m saying is, just because people are chanting ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’, let’s not be faint-hearted about this, we are on the right side of the argument on the economy.

“We know that we need to ensure that we adapt to a changing world, that we are supporting our public services, that we are looking after the younger generation.

“But we don’t just pack up and go home because they have got a bit of a spring in their step. We get stuck in, like I say, show me them, I’ll start the fight.”


Joe Mellor

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