
‘Real life’ Baby Reindeer stalker sent hundreds of emails… to Keir Starmer!

Baby Reindeer’s ‘real life stalker’ Fiona Harvey sent hundreds of emails to Sir Keir Starmer in a matter of months, it has been revealed.

Fiona Harvey bombarded the Labour leader with a staggering 276 messages in the space of under a year, including vicious attacks on him and his family.

The woman who inspired Martha in the Netflix hit gloated over the deaths of two of his relatives and used a disabled slur to abuse his wife.

Fiona Harvey told the Labour leader he was in a “non job”, was a “stupid little boy” and a “useless barrister”.

She warned Sir Keir she would target him with complaints to standards watchdogs, telling him: “Your life won’t be worth living.”

Harvey has recently spoken out about the “firestorm” around the programme, saying it has caused “untold damage” to her health, reputation, and job prospects.

In a statement given to the PA news agency, she said her “ability to make sensible decisions about my welfare and best interests” had also been impacted.

In the drama, said to be inspired by the real-life experiences of comedian and writer, Richard Gadd, his character Donny Dunn is stalked by a woman named Martha Scott after he serves her a free cup of tea in the pub where he works.

At the beginning of the first episode, text appears on the screen which says: “This is a true story.”

Ms Harvey has said Martha was “clearly intended to be based on me” and later added in her statement: “I have no doubt that the character of Martha in Baby Reindeer was intended to be a portrayal of me.”

She continued: “The problem for Richard Gadd and now for Netflix is that Baby Reindeer is not a true story at all.”

“I am not a convicted stalker”.

“I am not a convicted stalker”

In the TV series, Martha receives a nine-month prison sentence and a five-year restraining order.

Ms Harvey said: “I have never been charged with any crime, let alone been convicted, still less pleaded guilty and, of course, I have never been to prison for anything.

“This is how Gadd and Netflix chose to portray me in a TV show.”

Ms Harvey alleges that they have done this for “their own financial gain”.

She has also alleged that she was never approached for a comment or for permission to present a character, which she claims was made in her image.

Neither Netflix or Gadd have confirmed the real identity of Martha.

“Nobody ever approached me for any comment on the accuracy of Baby Reindeer, or the very serious and damaging allegation that I am a convicted criminal, with a serious criminal record, who has spent time in prison,” she said.

“Nobody ever asked for my permission to present me in this way or to use my image at all.”


Ms Harvey said that with the assistance of a lawyer she was putting together a legal team “in the UK and in the US” and she will not be making any further media comments until further notice.

She added: “Once I have a legal team in place, I expect that they will make a further statement, setting out the next steps that I will be taking to deal with everything that has happened, as a direct result of the dishonest and false picture of me, painted in Baby Reindeer and in the media generally.

“In the meantime, for the good of my health, please respect my privacy and please stop the endless calls and messages, asking for interviews, comments, and so many other things.

“I have made clear that I am not physically able to cope with relentless harassment from journalists and, if this continues, I will make a report to the police.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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