
Reactions as Right Said Fred frontman hospitalised with Covid but still refuses to get vaccine

Richard Fairbrass, who has attended anti-lockdown protests in London with his Right Said Fred bandmate brother Fred Fairbrass, has been hospitalized with Covid-19 but still want get the vaccine.

The Right Said Fred singer needed oxygen as he struggled to breathe and spent four nights in hospital before he was sent home to recover.

His hospitalisation comes six months after he branded the vaccination a ‘scam’.

Richard told the MailOnline: ‘I’ve had a bit of Covid, it wasn’t too bad. I was a little breathless, I felt very tired.

‘But full credit to the NHS, they were non-judgemental and very open to how you wanted to be treated – and my treatment was just keeping my oxygen levels up for a week.’

He claimed: ‘This vaccine is only for experimental use, it’s on trial until 2023, there is no long-term data on it – anyone who takes it is foolish.’

He claimed to The Sun in February this year: ‘I believe the whole thing is a scam. I really do. I’ve been asked to have my vaccination, but I have refused.

‘I look at it in the same way that people were advised to keep smoking because it was good for the throat. Or, “Isn’t asbestos great – it’ll keep your farm clean.”


There was a lot of sympathy with him getting Covid, regardless of his views, but there were also people exasperated at his choices which have clogged up an already full NHS.












Related: Watch: Anti-vaxxer compares vaccinated people to ‘Nazis’ in angry tirade

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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