Andrew Neil has described the documentary as a "load of old b***ocks".
The four most popular ideologies in Britain are environmentalism, feminism, liberalism and socialism.
Candy blamed the Conservative's "complete breach of trust with the wealth creators in our country" as he sided with Nigel Farage's party.
"The Australian electoral system should not work on the basis that the only people that can get in to Parliament are people who are sponsored by billionaires"
Suggestions that the Reform UK leader is close to Trump have been dismissed as he jets out to the US for the sixth time.
The health secretary has been accused of “bullying and uncomradely behaviour”.
The Reform UK MP argued that men have it harder than women because of a battle that took place over a century ago.
"This agreement is not just an economic opportunity. It is a political necessity", Ursula von der Leyen said.
Moves to remove hereditary peers will be debated in the House of Lords this week after the bill sailed through the Commons. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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