Moving on Seamlessly? Mapping the Fate of UK Coalfield Communities

By Dr Katy Shaw 2014-15 marks not only the anniversary of the biggest post-war labour conflict in UK history - the 1984-5 UK miners’ strike – but also the first birthday of the Justice for Coalfields campaign. With a total population of around five million, of which 3.75 million are in England, former coalfield sites constitute both a significant portion of the UK and a continuing source of tension for its government. For many former coal regions, the miners’ strike of...

Charlie Hebdo’s survivors’ issue: a short lived solidarity?

By Elsa Buchanan, International Politics reporter Charlie Hebdo’s “survivors’ issue” sold out within minutes as readers jostled and elbowed their way to grab a copy, but supporters warn this upsurge of solidarity could be short-lived. Demand for what is being called the "survivors' issue" of the Charlie Hebdo magazine was high across France this morning. “I was fifth in the queue when I arrived at 6.45am to buy Charlie Hebdo, and the Maison de la Presse (newsagent) didn’t open until 7.15am,” explains Marie-Christine...

David Cameron the Freedom Hypocrite

By Bill Lytton  Before it was shadowed by the heinous attacks in Paris, France last week, it emerged that the NHS is in a grim state. Numerous hospitals across the UK declared major incidents. Inevitably, a showdown ensued between the incumbent guardians of finance, the Conservatives, and the self-appointed angels of the NHS, Labour. The stand-off was a trite, if not predictable, medley of self-defence strategies and outright accusations. In sum, Ed and Dave are both incompetent – according to...

Parliamentary Sketch 14th January – “If your name’s not down you’re not getting in.”

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor I was brought up in Newcastle upon Tyne and watching pub fights escalate was a common occurrence. Surprisingly the two leaders reminded me of one of these skirmishes, albeit it in an Oxbridge, educated duel way, rather than a bottling on Shields Road, Byker. After watching a number of these confrontations, the violence tends to only escalate once the door staff have broken it up, then both parties can really throw insults at each other,...

Romney 2.0: Can Massachusetts Mitt be a comeback king?

By Darragh Roche What ever happened to Thomas Dewey? If you've never heard of him,  it might be useful to look into him. His name will probably start cropping up in the next few months.  Mitt Romney, the man who lost the 2012 US presidential election to Barack Obama, looks like he's planning to pull a Dewey and run a second time. Moderate Republicans have rejoiced at the news. Romney, former Massachusetts governor and America's most famous Mormon, told some...

Charlie Hebdo attacks: Your personalised T-shirt for €20

By Elsa Buchanan,  Less than 48 hours after the violent attacks on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo left 12 dead, a macabre business around "Je Suis Charlie" has been emerging on the internet. Phone cases and personalised T-shirts vendors are using the tragedy to make money. You can now buy your personalised "Je Suis Charlie" T-shirt for €20, or perhaps you fancy a "Je Suis Charlie" Iphone cover instead? Less than 48 hours after the violent attack on France's satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo left...

Russia bans transsexual and transgender people from driving

By Elsa Buchanan,  Russia says drivers must not have 'sex disorders', and has listed transsexual and transgender people as those who will no longer qualify for driving licences.  Russia has banned transsexuals and people with "disorders" involving sexual preference and gender identity, including exhibitionists and fetishists, from obtaining driver's licenses. The new law, aimed at "promoting public health" by reducing traffic deaths, extends Russia's legal campaign against homosexuality. The decree, signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, empowers officials to ban...

Je Suis Charlie

Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis Charlie Je Suis...

Parliamentary Sketch 7th January – We pen rise and the NHS

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Moments before PMQs began the news reported that twelve journalists and policemen had been shot, due to their controversial cartoon satire. The PM condemned the attack, as did Ed. Prior to the terrorist atrocity the only story leading the news was the NHS crisis and Ed would not let the Cameron bury bad news today. Almost every Labour (and Lib) question focused on the problems in our health service. In the early exchanges there was...

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