George is Missing a Trick

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  I loathe George Osborne with a passion I reserve only for the devil's disciples themselves (cite Boris Johnson, cite Boris Johnson, cite Boris Johnson). For six years he has removed the heart from the British economy, selling off the only profit making parts of the public sector to university chums at the heart of the crisis that crippled the public purse in the first place. Austerity has accompanied growing national debt and weak economic growth, house prices are...

Parliamentary Sketch 18th Nov – A declaration of war…and should we attack IS

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Cameron is itching to get involved in the Syrian conflict, and he reiterated this point again during today’s PMQS. But all-out war has already broken out in the Labour ranks. Only hours before PMQs Ken Livingstone, recently installed to evaluate defence policy, said Kevan Jones, Lab, the Shadow Defence Minister, who has suffered with depression, might need some psychiatric help. Ken then refused to apologise for his comments afterwards until Mr Jones did first, he...

Why Farage is Unknowingly Aping 17th Century Anti-Catholic Language

By Darragh Roche In 1605, a group of religious extremists nearly bombed the state opening of parliament. If these terrorists had succeeded, the entire English ruling class, including the King, would have been wiped out in an instant. These fanatics hoped the ensuing chaos and panic would give their religion the opportunity to seize power and impose itself on an infidel population. English schoolchildren are taught the story of the Gunpowder Plot with rhymes and songs and every year local communities...

Islamic State threatens attacks in Washington and “the West”

By Steve Taggart A shocking video has emerged via the Jerusalem Post, in which IS has told the countries taking part in air strikes in Syria will suffer the same fate as France, and threatened to attack the American capital, Washington DC. The video was uploaded to a site used by ISIL and the footage includes the aftermath of Friday's shocking events in the French capital. At least 132 people were killed in a number of orchestrated attacks, spreading carnage...

Muslim students respond to Islamophobia with heartfelt video

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor An expected back lash against Muslim communities is already beginning to be felt in France and beyond. The Paris attacks have seen heightened levels of anger against followers of Islam. In the on-line world this vitriol has been even more acute, so to try and deal with this a group of French Muslim students from The Etudiants Musulmans de France – a group representing thousands of French citizens of Muslim faith – released a video in...

Anonymous declares war on ISIS

By Steve Taggart The Hacker group Anonymous have declared war on IS in the wake of the attacks in Paris on Friday Night. The shadowy group posted a video on their YouTube channel in French. During the clip they said they would use its knowledge to "unite humanity" and warned the terrorists to "expect us". As ever, the spokesperson was wearing their signature mask, synonymous with the group, said: "Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down. "You...

The Response to Atrocity must be one of Progression

By James Clark In the aftermath of the horrendous terrorists attacks in Paris in which over 100 lives were tragically lost it is understandable that restraint has once again become a difficult concept to maintain. Following Putin‘s step into the breach Western leaders will almost certainly begin to itch over whether, or perhaps when, it is to follow suit. The mandate for increased intervention, has now almost certainly been provided. Bombing and drone strikes are likely to be presented, perhaps...

Remembrance Day: It is Time for us to Listen to the Peace Makers

By Nicholas Figgis Attempts by government ministers and their friends in the press to use the Remembrance ceremony as a political tool reached farcical heights this weekend. The Telegraph called in the big guns, citing the opinion of etiquette expert, William Hanson, whose heavyweight contribution to world affairs includes advice on whether or not to stick your finger out when drinking tea. Hanson let it be known that while it was Corbyn's right to dishonour soldiers with the wrong kind...

Brexit Digging up Ghosts of Britain’s Past

By Darragh Roche A BRITISH exit from the EU would decimate the Irish economy, according to a recent study from Ireland’s Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI). The UK is by far Ireland’s largest source of imports and second largest export market. A Brexit would see Anglo-Irish trade fall by nearly one fifth, with drastic falls in wages, employment and living standards in the republic. Border controls and police checkpoints could return to the republic’s border with Northern Ireland. Ireland’s government...

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