By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The IMF have made a stark warning ahead of the EU referendum, echoing the Bank of England’s recent claims. Christine Lagarde believes that Britain could enter a sharp recession if the majority backs a Brexit. This would cause a steep drop in property prices and a stock market crash. Lagarde, IMF managing director, also agreed with the Bank of England’s governor, Mark Carney, who claims that Britain would enter a technical recession in a Brexit...
By Paul Baines Just when we’re faced by the most momentous decision on the EU for 40 years, the media plays it straight. What’s happened to all the Euro bashing? The usual fear and loathing of all things European Commission? The ban on misshapen vegetables, the Euro-sausage, the forced decimalisation? It’s just one of the problems facing the “Leave” campaign in its bid to overcome anxieties over change to the status quo. In the Scottish Referendum, despite all their energy and...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor In news that will shock the nation, it has emerged that there is not enough evidence to bring a criminal case against RBS bosses that lead the virtual collapse of the bank in 2008, and contributing to the worst recession since the great depression. Fred Goodwin, the chief of the bank at the time of the crisis, will also not see any possible conviction for his actions. After a five-year inquiry by Crown Office prosecutors...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Sir Michael Lyons the ex-chair of the BBC Trust has said: “There have been some quite extraordinary attacks on the elected leader of the Labour party.” The Labour leader has had a tough time from the a large section of the media and Lyons pondered whether BBC big-wigs had abandoned their impartiality of their coverage of Corbyn. This statement appears to back-up the arguments that corbyn supporters have complained about for some time. He said...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The Conservative Party is being forced into the courtroom by the Electoral Commission over accusations that it broke strict spending laws. The election watchdog has asked the high court for disclosure order when the party failed to give enough details of their campaign spending. Party chiefs had not provided the details they had requested in time. The court action will fans the flames of the claims that the party chairman Andrew Feldman and others are...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The Muslim Council of Britain, the largest Muslim group in UK, have called for a probe into Islamophobia in the Tory party. The Council have said that the Imam, who the PM accused of being an IS supporter, has faced threats to his life, and the claims are “smears.” The group now want an probe into anti-muslim rhetoric in the party, which would follow the investigation into claims of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. Cameron...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor My lack of knowledge of EU working directives is probably (ok definitely) to blame, but I don’t think I was alone in being temporarily lost in a mail bag when Jeremy Corbyn used up the majority of his questions on the issue of posted workers. He was really quite animated, and managed to ramble on about it, without even asking a question on one occasion. To be fair to Cameron he picked an answer out...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor A Government watchdog has indicated that £925k was given out to 125 people prior to the election, however each had a new jobs within three months. In every case the member of staff was made redundant due to their MP standing down or losing their seat, but they were back working for a new MP within a very short space of time. In 60.3% of these cases there was no break in employment at all....
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor A row has broken out in parliament as child refugees who will now be given access to the UK, “by the end of the year,” reports the Mirror. The Government has been attacked as this could mean a seven-month wait to come into Britain. Labour’s Yvette Cooper was furious and said: "Seven months may be a fast time for a bureaucrat - it's a very slow time for a child." The argument broke only a... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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