Cameron, stop throwing New Labour at Corbyn: it’ll never stick

By Callum Towler  Sometimes I watch PMQ’s as if it’s a dystopian pantomime, like if all the robots in Isaac Asimov's I, Robot defeated the people, but upheld democracy once a week in parliament just for a laugh. Witnessing David Cameron duck, dive and quip his way through the weekly questions is to watch a well-oiled machine programmed to dodge bullets. Rarely ever does he respond candidly. Instead, in the space where thoughtful answers should be, we’re treated to nothing...

PMQS Sketch 27th January,  A Bunch of Economic Migrants Sponging off State – Google

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor You can swim, march and fight your way to the UK border and then “live” in the jungle, but if you are the Amazon (see what I did there?) you can step right in and plunder our riches. Tax was issue of the day, well until Cameron decided to be racist/ignorant/heartless/inflammatory (mix and match which ones you think work best). Corbyn was wondering, along with everyone else in the UK, except the Chancellor, why Google...

Australia’s Long Goodbye Will End With A Whimper

Britain's imperial legacy is complex and widely disputed but one curious side effect is the number of independent countries that still have the Queen as head of state. Australia, Canada, New Zealand and a bevy of small nations are part of her domain, despite Britain having little or no authority over them. This Australia Day the premiers of all but one of the country's states called for a republic. The prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, is a known republican, as is...

Parliamentary Sketch 20th Jan – Rubber Face Rubber Soul

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor He did it again. Cameron’s recent tribute to Bowie made me cringe and his previous love of Eton Rifles, while totally missing the point of the song, are forever stitched into my mind; but he will never learn. Today he ruined the Beatles forever. Karl McCartney, Con (no relation, thank god) – said, when referring to Corbyn’s plans to mobilise nuclear submarines without warheads: "Those such as the leader of the opposition who do not...

Tory council axing children’s services buys new Rolls-Royce for £90k

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Westminster Council has spent a vast sum of money on luxury limos while at the same time decimating childcare. The Tory-run council is splashing out on cars while at the same time slashing children’s services. Westminster council spent £90k on Rolls-Royce Silver Seraph to be used by the Mayor and other esteemed individuals. Additionally, they also spent almost £30k over the previous three years leasing a luxury Audi. In the last twelve months Westminster council...

Migrant Women Could be Deported if They Fail English Test, Says Cameron

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The PM has just announced plans for an English language test to all partners who join their spouse to live in UK. The examination would take place two and a half years after they have arrived on these shores. If they do not meet the required standard it could count against the person's right to remain living in the UK, and they could return to their country of origin, against their will. The PM said:...

SNP MP Alison Thewliss to Campaign Against Tax Credit “Rape Clause”

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor SNP MP, Alison Thewliss, has raised her concerns about the plans to scrutinise females who have a third child due to a sexual assault. She believes it is stigmatising and has no place in the modern world. Thewliss is challenging the government's tax credit proposal requiring a woman to justify her position to avoid losing tax credits, if she has been raped. She was joined by other campaigners on Saturday in Glasgow to launch a...

Woman Saved From Cologne Attacks by Syrian Refugees

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor A woman from the USA has told how a group of Syrian refugees helped her during the shocking amount of sexual assaults that occurred on New Year's Eve in Cologne, Germany. The victim, 28-year-old Caitlin Duncan, a student from Seattle had lost her boyfriend in the crowded square outside the main railway station and cathedral. She told of a man robbing her hat then another "grabbed" her from behind, rifling through her pockets. If that...

Cameron ‘has made £500,000 in rent since becoming PM’

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Since moving into Downing Street in May 2010 to take up his role as Prime Minister, he has been renting out his home in the astronomically expensive Notting Hill, in London. It has been claimed that Cameron has earned almost half a million pounds in rent on this property while living at Number 10. These claims have arisen only days after the Tory Government voted against a proposed amendment to the new Housing Bill, which...

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