New poll sees Labour drawing level with Tories

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Like most people I am fairly dubious of polls these days, however according to an ICM poll for the Guardian Labour has drawn level with the Conservative Party. The poll put Labour on 36% up a huge four points, leaving them tied with the conservatives down 3 points since December’s results. It is the first time labour has match the Tories since Corbyn came to power. UKIP are unchanged on 11%, the Lib Dems up...

Tory MP forced out of MS Society after voting to cut disability benefits

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Angry MS Society members urged Kit Malthouse to resign as their patron over his decision to vote in support of a cuts to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) to disabled people. Malthouse had to quit over his decision to slash (ESA) by £30 a week. The North West Hampshire MP handed in his resignation, and said: "I have no desire to remain if their members do not wish me to do so." Chief executive Lucy Byrne...

VIDEO – People THANK Iain Duncan Smith for stopping their benefits…he claims

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Bizarrely, Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary claimed people liked being sanctioned and having their benefits stopped. It is not known if he asked the thousands of people with disabilities, who are to have their ESA cut, if they liked their lowered income. During the shocking outburst he said it help people “focus.” Smith, with a straight face, said that people actually thanked him for cutting their benefits or taking away all together. He...

PMQs Sketch 9th March – I’ve got 99 problems…but you answered none

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The session began with Karin Smyth, Lab, wondering if the PM had failed on the number of apprenticeships being offered to our kids. To be fair they can probably make more uploading themselves jumping from scaffolding onto their You Tube channels, than toiling away in a cement factory in Droitwich, but that is beside the point. Each week Labour claim apprenticeship schemes are failing, more children are in poverty and there is less house building...

Osborne defeated on Sunday trading as Tory rebels join with SNP

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor George Osborne was dealt another bitter blow as he was defeated in his attempts to extend Sunday trading hours. MPs voted to take the policy initiative from the Enterprise Bill. He was blocked by the SNP and 26 Tory rebels. This left the Government losing by a majority of 31. Noting the major changes to businesses and many online services that are now available 27/7 like banking, shopping and even online forex trading platforms, his...

List of MPs who voted to force through ESA disability benefit cut

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The House of Lords was not able to halt a £30-a-week cut to disability benefits forced through by the Government. Charities warned the cut to (ESA) Employment & Support Allowance would make it more difficult for disabled people to find work and many already struggle to afford food at the current benefit level. This is a list of all the MPs who voted for the sharp cuts to disability benefits. Please remember the pay rises they...

The Queen and the Brexit: Does it really matter?

The Sun is in an unenviable position. The tabloid's recent report claiming the Queen made eurosceptic remarks to Nick Clegg has prompted a formal complaint from palace authorities. For a paper that trades on its knee-jerk patriotism and publishes frequent gushing pieces on the monarchy, a false story about the Queen is about as bad as it can get. Still worse, if The Sun has used the Queen to push a political agenda the public outcry will be fierce. Is...

Number of workers on zero-hour increases 15%

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The number of UK workers on zero-hour contracts is now at 801,000 up 104,000 in only a year. The Labour party tried to outlaw these types of employment deals, but instead they have increased sharply. It could be seen as a blow to job recovery, as verging on a million people are on contracts that don’t necessarily guarantee even one hour’s work in any given week, and can have hours taken away or added at...

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