This is the graph that shows Labour could win this General Election

Two weeks ago we published a story highlighting one starting fact: If 30 per cent more people under 25 vote, the Tories could lose the election. New data on voting trends had come to light suggesting that a mass mobilisation of young voters could swing the election, with a mega-poll of nearly 13,000 voters by YouGov revealing that Jeremy Corbyn would be heading to Downing Street were the election decided by 18-40 year olds. If only students voted, Labour would have an...

Cruel cap on public servants’ pay to cost East of England economy £1.2bn

The ‘cruel’ cap on public servants’ pay is set to cost the East of England economy £1.2 billion by 2020, GMB has revealed. With public sector workers currently subjected to a one per cent pay cap – meaning that their earnings are kept below inflation - the East of England is in line to miss out on billions in lost wages, highlighting how self-defeating the policy is. Between 2017 and 2020, each worker will be an average of £3,300 out of pocket....

Tories hijack Google to cover up Dementia Tax blunder

The Conservatives have hijacked Google to cover up their dementia tax blunder which has sparked outrage amongst the electorate. Labour has gained 11 points on the Tories in just three weeks after Theresa May unveiled controversial social care plans in her manifesto. Under her plans there will be a significant shift in the way elderly care is paid for, with many people warning that it could deter older people from seeking care. That, combined with means testing for winter fuel payments and...

Woman has heart attack DURING job centre meeting but too scared to leave as feared losing benefits

A grandmother suffered a heart attack during a job centre employment meeting and was too scared to get up and leave, for fear of losing her benefits echoing the film I, Daniel Blake. In the Ken Loach film, the lead suffers a similar situation, but this woman had an attack DURING an appointment, but was ignored by the interviewer. Grandmother Salena Hannah, 50 was attending the Job Centre is Salisbury on 2nd May at 1pm. She explained: “I had been...

Watch – Tory Councillor says pregnant candidate will be ‘too busy changing nappies’

Jon Wright commented on a Facebook profile posted by Catherine Atkinson who is standing for the Erewash seat in the general election. He suggested that she would not be able to do her job "whilst on maternity leave" and would be "too busy changing nappies to be a voice for the people." Cllr Wright made the comments after Mrs Atkinson, of Ilkeston, Derbys, posted a message describing herself as a barrister with a two-year-old son and a husband who served...

A Civilised London?

Winston Churchill has been quoted as saying that “You measure the degree of civilization of a society by how it treats its weakest members.”  But walking the streets of London or any of our major cities we see that many of us it seems, are not cared for but instead are tossed aside, like rubbish. Homelessness in The City Last year, more than 8,000 people slept rough in the capital at some point in London which was  a 6% rise on the...

Jamie Oliver brands May’s plans to scrap free school meals a “disgrace”

Jamie Oliver says Theresa May's plans to scrap free school lunches is a disgrace. Government subsidies on school lunches are set to be removed under plans outlined in the Conservative's manifesto, which could cost working families around £480 extra per child a year at a time when many are struggling to make ends meet. The policy was introduced in 2014 at a time when four in ten children who did not receive free school meals were officially in poverty. These children are...

“Sick” Tories to limit winter fuel payments despite thousands of pensioners dying from the cold

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell has labelled the Tories "sick and sneaky" following their manifesto pledge to limit the number of pensioners who get winter fuel payments. An estimated 9,000 people died in England and Wales as a result of living in a cold home in the winter of 2014-2015. A University College London (UCL) study calculated that the near-ten thousand deaths was the highest number for 15 years. Dr Jessica Allen, whose team conducted the study, told BBC Panorama that people are dying...

Victory for Whistleblowers as Assange and Manning set to walk free

Today will be declared as a historic victory for whistleblowers as Julian Assange paved the path to his freedom two days after Chelsea Manning was released from prison. The Wikileaks founder has had charges dropped against him in Sweden which means he could soon walk free without fear of been extradited to the US, where he is the subject of an espionage investigation. Prosecutors said the preliminary rape and sexual assault probe has been discontinued and an arrest warrant issued for Mr Assange would...

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