
Piers Morgan accuses Meghan of lying – again – in Tucker Carlson tell-all

Piers Morgan repeated his incendiary claims about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in a new interview with controversial Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday, in his first on-camera interview since leaving Good Morning Britain.

Morgan has continued to lash out at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle since their interview with Oprah Winfrey in March.

In his first TV interview since he departed Good Morning Britain, Morgan spoke to US conservative news personality Tucker Carlson and stood by his comments, accusing the couple of the “most extraordinarily disingenuous smear, hit job” on the royal family.

“I still don’t believe what they were saying, and in particular, I don’t believe what Meghan Markle was saying,” Morgan said in the interview, which aired on Fox Nation, Fox News’ subscription-based streaming platform.

“Seventeen different claims by the pair of them have now been proven to be either completely untrue, or massively exaggerated, or unprovable.”

He added: “I didn’t believe Meghan Markle. A huge fury erupted through the day. I was in outrage. I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion that I didn’t believe what she was saying, even though it was clear to me in real time as I was watching the interview that there were a number of things that couldn’t be true.”

Morgan told Carlson that he was told to believe Markle’s side, “and if you don’t believe what she’s saying, then you’re a racist”.

“I just find that impossible to believe that you would have two people in the palace who would be that callous to a woman telling them that she was suicidal,” he said.

And he said he has the backing of the public. Morgan said: “Old, young, black, white, it didn’t matter. They’ve been coming up to me in their droves all day every day.”

Morgan said people either agree with his comments on Meghan or defended his right to free speech.

“The British people have seen through this,” he told the Tucker Carlson Today programme on the Fox Nation streaming service.

Morgan added that “there’s the position of Prince Harry in all this. He is attached to many of the biggest mental health charities in Britain”.

“He makes no secret of his desire that everyone who feels depressed or anxious or has suicidal thoughts to get immediate help, and yet here was his wife who says she was feeling constantly suicidal, and Prince Harry never sought to get her help. And I find that very hard to believe frankly,” he said.

He also lashed out at Meghan for the accusations she made during her interview with Oprah – and urged the Duchess of Sussex to name names.

“You’re accusing … people in the palace of being unspeakably cruel simply to protect the brand of the Royal family. If that is true, let’s have the names of these people, and let’s go to them and ask them is this true,” he said.

“So for Meghan Markle to try and create a story that says that the decision to not make Archie the title of prince was based on his skin colour is a lie.”

Carlson promoted the interview by claiming that Morgan had been “banished” from British television for “asking a simple question”.

“How is it that the most privileged people in our society get away with posing as the most oppressed?” the Fox host said.

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Henry Goodwin

Henry is a reporter with a keen interest in politics and current affairs. He read History at the University of Cambridge and has a Masters in Newspaper Journalism from City, University of London. Follow him on Twitter: @HenGoodwin.

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