Game Digital has found a new home on the FTSE whilst WHSmith are expanding its oversees operations Following on from the Scottish referendum there has been numerous election campaigns getting underway ahead of the next general election in early May. The stock market has not really changed over the past few weeks but these campaigns can often impact the market depending on the stance of each political party. It is key for market analysts to take stock of what is...
By Charlotte Hope, Lifestyle Editor @TLE_Lifestyle The rise and fall of Amanda Bynes I was a fan of The Amanda Show when I was younger but even then it was quite clear that Amanda Bynes had some relatively serious mental problems. I put it down to friendly old ADHD and forgot about her until the last year or so. Then she had some sort of breakdown in which she shaved her head and insisted on wearing incredibly cheap wigs pulled...
By Anand Ramdeo, founder of Planned Departure Only a decade ago most of us would never have even considered that our digital lives would eventually have real financial, not to mention emotional value. Yet recent research by PwC revealed that the sum of unclaimed digital assets in the UK amounts to £29 billion. This same research points to the fact that 32% of consumers still keep paper copies to store their information, which only goes to show how much more rapidly...
By Charlotte Hope, Lifestyle Editor @charlottehope Blake Lively is pregnant OH! The pitter patter of tiny little feet is upon us. Last week, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher welcomed a little girl into the world - we can only assume a little girl with heart-meltingly beautiful eyes - and on Monday Blake Lively announced she was pregnant with Ryan Reynolds’child. Anyone that watched Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place might doubt the credibility of Reynolds as a father...
By Ana Zoria Go west doesn't mean go broke: young professionals West London survival guide West London became popular amongst the wealthy centuries ago and that’s still true today. The Village of Palaces, known today as Chelsea, has been a residence of royalties and a hangout of bourgeois bohemians since the 17th century. Today, the Victorian-style accommodation found in abundance across West London is home to financiers, socialites, Russian oligarchs and other Gucci-belted wealthy individuals. No secret, these lucky individuals and...
By Steve Taggart It is hard to believe but there are only 87 days to go to xmas. Shops are already advertising for the festive season, which can make you feel quite unsettled. But that is nothing compared to the panic that will set in, if you are playing to sell your home before then. Well fear not, here are ten top tips to ensure can before Santa pays you a visit. Get a signboard. Ensure you have a signboard,...
By Charlotte Hope, @charlottehope George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin wed in Venice Did you know that George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin got married this weekend? The ‘perpetual bachelor’ was ‘finally tamed’ by an incredibly accomplished human rights barrister. Why we have to equate George Clooney to a wild beast in dire need of taming I’m not sure, but we do. We do have to. If you live in Venice, which I’m sure so many of you do, you were probably...
A review of how the Scottish Referendum affected the stock market, Apple report record sales of iPhone 6, and Alibaba post IPO record by Jonny Smith. After a summer break, this weeks article will assess the effect of the Scottish referendum on the strength of the currency and stock market. There will also be an assessment of Apple following the release of the new iPhone 6 and further American news from Bank of America, Alibaba, and Shetland based Faroe Petroleum....
By Charlotte Hope, @charlottehope Emma Watson is a Feminist There’s very little disparaging I can actually say about this but I feel it should probably be brought up. Emma Watson (Hermione, for those of you who don’t know) is the UN Women’s Goodwill Ambassador and is the face and spokesperson for a new campaign called ‘He for She’. Make of Watson in the Harry Potter series what you will - it’s hard to say she didn’t deliver a powerful and... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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