
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Tax Credits Unravelling The Tory Brand

By Callum Towler  Tax Credits is that trojan horse moment of revelation, a party who infiltrated the heart of government claiming the best intentions, suddenly revealing its dark ideological core for all to see. If a political party’s brand is it’s core meaning, then rhetoric channelled through the media is the vehicle used to convey that meaning to the world. The brand manufactured under Cameron has been one of compassionate conservatism, a claim MPs back up by reminding us of...

Parliamentary Sketch 4th November – Surprise Surprise, it’s a tissue of lies

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor “It’s getting longer and longer,” the PM was heard to say over his mic at the end of PMQs today. Sorry Dave, the increase from 35 to 38 minutes must really put a dint into your day. Last week’s overrunning PMQs meant he was late to meet the Chinese. I wondered which despot was left listening to Sam bang on about playing pool with Tricky at University, today. You almost feel sorry for them. The...

Mend and make do: Home-owners face startling post-code lottery for cost of repairing household appliances

Home-owners in Britain face a startling post-code lottery when it comes to the cost of repairing household gadgets and appliances. Do you repair your old appliances, or just go out and buy new ones? It's widely known that costs of living in the capital have continued to soar compared to regional counterparts.  However, new research shows that those living in London also face the highest hourly labour charges in the UK for repairing and mending old appliances, with those living...

The world according to Trump

By Darragh Roche FORGET everything you know about the world – that’s the first step to understanding America’s true conservatives. ‘True’ is an essential word here. Millions of Americans identify as true conservatives, so much there’s even a popular Twitter hashtag (#tcot, read with care). Donald Trump, the billionaire making liberals everywhere cringe, derives his support largely from these very conservative American voters. So does soft-spoken neurosurgeon and personification of Godwin’s Law, Dr Ben Carson. The rise of these candidates...

Parliamentary Sketch 28th October – The sixth nonsense

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Who could you ask the same question six times to and not get an answer? I thought I would give it a try. I asked the bus driver which was the next stop, he told me on the first go, so I got on and sat down. It’s their job to know. If the bus drivers didn’t know they would get sacked. But it appears it was Ok for the PM to not answer Corbyn...

Just a Hallmark holiday? Britons expected to spend over £466m this Halloween

With Halloween fast approaching, millions of Britons are preparing how they’ll spend the holiday. It is great news for retailers all over the country with Brits set to spend a mind-blowing £466m in British stores, surpassing the £442m amount set last year. Figures collated by  indicate that last year, people in Britain spent £148m on Halloween costumes and clothing. This year, the figure is set to rise to over £157m, with that being able to dress approximately 3.4m families...

Socialism is Not a Dirty Word

By Harry Bedford  Bernie Sanders, one of the candidates for the Democratic Party's 2016 presidential nomination, is already making great waves - gaining huge amounts of public and financial support for his left-wing policies. As well as connecting with his ideals, people find him engaging and inspiring - two essential qualities of a president. But he will never be handed the keys to the White House because he is a self-confessed socialist in a country where socialism is seen as the work...

Could this Factory in a Box Revolutionise Food Production?

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  The future of food production was on display at this year's Gulfood Manufacturing where the first “Factory in a Box” was unveiled on the opening day. Presented by United Food Technology (UFT), a specialist food technology and engineering company with offices in Germany and the UAE, the company believes that this is how the food factory of the future will look and function. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations estimates food production will...

Energy: We Need to Own it

By Oliver Ward    Over the last three months, for the first time in history, Britain's renewable energy production surpassed its coal production. A monumental moment, the palpable demonstration of how far renewable energy has come in the UK and the changing attitudes towards our role as inhabitants on this planet. A view clearly not shared by the Conservative party who have announced that subsidies for renewable energy companies will be ended on the 1st of April next year. Leaving over...

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