Santa Claus has been forced to cancel Christmas due to cuts to his tax credit. For the first time in his life he has become a squeezed middle and has been told he will have to tighten his belt. He said: “After the cuts I can't afford the fuel needed run my sleigh, and it is taking longer to deliver presents every year, as finding poor doors on new builds is almost impossible. “It was bad enough last year when...
The Class of 92 have made a joint statement to the press following the Unicef charity game apologising to the current squad for making scoring goals and creating chances look easy in front of a full Old Trafford crowd. Coy Paul Scholes said: "It was too easy, Becks put a cross over and I headed it in, it was simple. I even shut my eyes when the ball came over and it just ended up in the net. Even when...
By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent The third public consultation for Crossrail 2 is under way with drop-in sessions on how the route will impact Londoners being held across the city. But what will the proposed line look like, when will it be completed and how do TfL envisage doing it? Where The proposed route looks to benefit cities across the South East and stations in Surrey and Hertfordshire by providing more direct routes in to central London from connecting stations such as...
By Steve Taggart A shocking video has emerged via the Jerusalem Post, in which IS has told the countries taking part in air strikes in Syria will suffer the same fate as France, and threatened to attack the American capital, Washington DC. The video was uploaded to a site used by ISIL and the footage includes the aftermath of Friday's shocking events in the French capital. At least 132 people were killed in a number of orchestrated attacks, spreading carnage...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor An expected back lash against Muslim communities is already beginning to be felt in France and beyond. The Paris attacks have seen heightened levels of anger against followers of Islam. In the on-line world this vitriol has been even more acute, so to try and deal with this a group of French Muslim students from The Etudiants Musulmans de France – a group representing thousands of French citizens of Muslim faith – released a video in...
By Steve Taggart The Hacker group Anonymous have declared war on IS in the wake of the attacks in Paris on Friday Night. The shadowy group posted a video on their YouTube channel in French. During the clip they said they would use its knowledge to "unite humanity" and warned the terrorists to "expect us". As ever, the spokesperson was wearing their signature mask, synonymous with the group, said: "Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down. "You...
By James Clark In the aftermath of the horrendous terrorists attacks in Paris in which over 100 lives were tragically lost it is understandable that restraint has once again become a difficult concept to maintain. Following Putin‘s step into the breach Western leaders will almost certainly begin to itch over whether, or perhaps when, it is to follow suit. The mandate for increased intervention, has now almost certainly been provided. Bombing and drone strikes are likely to be presented, perhaps...
By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent Hollywood star George Clooney arrived in Scotland today and visited a social enterprise sandwich shop that trains, employs and feeds local homeless people. Staff at Social Bite, which gives 100 per cent of its profits to charity, recruits a quarter of its staff from homeless backgrounds, and runs a ‘suspended’ service where customers can pre-pay food for homeless people to claim later, welcomed Mr Clooney to their Rose Street shop in Edinburgh city centre. Whilst in the...
By Ryan Carter @rwscarter There is a beautiful bottom-up revolution underway in the energy market, but like all revolutions there is hurdles the question is can the state facilitate the green revolution, I think it should. This requires putting into reverse how the state has been seen in market interventions as a monolithic agent ‘crowding-out’ competition. I believe that the state can and should act smart and counter to popular opinion 'crowd-in' the market, breaking the hegemonic cartel of the... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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