By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Like everyone, I know people I agree with and those I don’t. To weigh up how to interact with them, I always go with the “do you prefer them inside the tent pissing out or outside the tent pissing in”. Well for Cameron and Corbyn today the choice was taken from them. For Corbyn it was because after a mammoth reshuffle three Shadow Minsters resigned anyway and in Cameron’s case his tent washed away during...
A new year, a new record-high price for wholesalers in Japan. Around this time every year a big fat tuna sells for an astronomical price in Tokyo's behemoth fish market, bringing a year of prosperity to the buyer. For the fifth time in a row, this year's highest bidder was Kiyoshi Kimura, president of a sushi restaurant chain, who bought a 200kg (440lb) endangered bluefin tuna for 14 million yen ($117,283; £80,000) at the first auction of the year at Tokyo's Tsukiji Fish...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor By his own admission President Obama has accepted he has not done enough to tackle gun control. He has made many passionate speeches on the matter before, but none of them have made any difference to the amount of guns available to Americans. Ironically, when he has made his pleas for gun use restraint after mass shootings; firearms sales actually increase. Now during a passionate speech, where Barack was reduced to tears, he has promised...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor As of yesterday afternoon (Tuesday 6th Jan 2016) business executives have made more money than the majority of people will make during the whole of this year according to the High Pay Centre. The research has discovered that fat cats have already passed the average UK salary of £27,645 a mere two working days into the New Year. The High Pay Centre, an independent think tank, reported that FTSE 100 chief executives receive an average...
The greatest democracy on earth had a troubled and divisive 2015. Unarmed African-Americans were killed by police with shocking frequency, a leading presidential candidate brought racism and bigotry into the political mainstream and America's influence abroad was further eroded by crises partly of the country's own making. America starts 2016 with the news that an armed white militia has taken over a government facility (it's a building on a wild life preserve in Oregon). The group, calling themselves patriots, demand...
Well, that was quick. One minute you’re draping the tinsel over the whiteboard, amazed that, remarkably, you’ve made it to the end of term with at least a few of your faculties still roughly in working order; the next, you’re back in the staff room wondering what happened to those 2 weeks off you were looking forward to. Such is the life of a teacher returning to work after the season of goodwill…and we are left under no illusions that...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor More countries have followed Saudi Arabia in closing off diplomatic relations with Iran following the row over the execution of a Shia cleric after a decision by the Saudi courts. Bahrain and Sudan have told Iranian diplomats to leave within 48 hours. The execution has provoked a great deal of condemnation across the world, but Saudi Arabia's closest allies have come out in support. Bahrain demanded Iranian officials left Manama in 48 hours and the Sudanese...
The stock markets have made a panicked start to 2016 with more than £34 billion wiped off the FTSE within an hour on the first day of trading in 2016. There were similar falls across other major European and Asian indices as concerns over China's slowdown hit again. Shanghai’s stock market had to be suspended earlier in the day having lost almost seven per cent of its value thanks to weak manufacturing data.Markets were also affected by the uncertainty being triggered by...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor East London's rapid growth had been reflected by TFL who have rezoned numerous stations in that part of the capital, due to London's "shifting economic map". Eight stations including West Ham and Stratford are now Zone 2/3 rather than 3 saving passengers money on their journeys. Stations will be regarded in Zone 2 or 3 depending on which way the passenger is travelling, giving the cheapest travel option for the journey. Boris Johnson hopes 100,000 people... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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