
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Farage branded a liar in European Parliament as he defends Trump

  Nigel Farage was branded a liar in the European Parliament after he went on a tirade defending Donald Trump and criticising the EU. Cheeky Labour MEP Seb Dance held up a "he's lying to you" sign as Farage branded Trump's America a "genuine democracy". The former UKIP leader was particularly vocal about the President's decision to ban nationals from seven countries in the Middle East, saying Trump is motivated by protecting the United States of America from Islamic terrorism, whereas...

We are regressing to Thatcher era levels of inequality in UK, research reveals

The 80s were a boom time for many in the city of London and in the financial sector, but for huge swathes of the rest of the UK poverty prevailed, and the gap between the rich and the poor widened hugely, compared to the previous decade. Reagan’s and Thatcher’s free market capitalism, gave some people the chance to amass great wealth, however the decline of heavy industries left many without any form of income. Now a think tank, the Resolution...

Economy or environment: Countries forced to choose between green or growth

Poverty, unemployment and zero economic growth are the likely outcome for countries which choose renewable energy sources over fossil fuels, according to a study. Energy from fossil fuels appears to ignite economies into greater and more sustained growth, whereas energy from wind and solar power not only fails to enhance or promote economic growth, it actually causes economies to flat-line. The results, from an in-depth study of more than 100 countries over 40 years, pose a serious ethical dilemma, according...

Is Facebook Advertising Dead?

There is all kind of misinformation circulating around on the net. Fake news is a good example. After all, how many people actually read legitimate news sites these days? Most of us just check the feed on our Facebook or Twitter pages instead to see what’s happening in the world. Given that ‘fake news’ is so common, have you read any headlines lately telling you that Facebook advertising is dead? I bet you have, so let’s take a look at...

Austria to ban Muslim face veils in public places

The central European country has decided that there will be a ban on Muslim face veils. The ruling is part of a raft of new measures, which forms part of the “integration law,” which has been agreed by the country’s ruling coalition parties. It is currently a draft law, but the ban is due to come into force before the next parliamentary vote in 2018. The ban applies to the burka and niqab that cover the entire face or only...

Government is splashing education cash on affluent pupils

The government is splashing stretched education cash on affluent pupils as the gap between rich and poor grows, union GMB has claimed. Theresa May’s first flagship grammar school, set to open in Croydon in 2019, highlights the yawning chasm between the haves and the have-nots, it says, with the school allowed to cherry pick 1,000 pupils and get direct Government funding. GMB, the union for school support staff, says the decision to give cash to a selective school in the midst of...

Boris Johnson’s response to Trump’s Muslim ban “inadequate and insulting”

Boris Johnson’s response to Trump’s Muslim ban ‘inadequate and insulting’, says Britain's General Union. The foreign secretary has addressed the Commons following Donald Trump's controversial immigration crackdown, which prohibits refugees and citizens from countries including Syria, Iran and Iraq from visiting the US. He told the house British citizens were still welcome in the US -  however he then emphasised the ‘vital importance of this county’s alliance with the US’. More than 1.3million people have already signed a petition calling for...

London Mayor says capital won’t “roll out red carpet” for Trump

As a petition to cancel Donald Trump’s state visit reached over 1,200,000 the London Mayor Sadiq Khan has stood by the protestors. Around 250,000 Londoners have signed this petition. Donald Trump has come under fire for various executive orders since he became president, but banning refuges from seven mainly Muslim countries has angered people across the world, and led to chaos at many airports. Muslim Mayor Khan said that Londoners will “not roll out red carpet” for Trump and will...

Paracetamol can damage the liver “in the same way as cancer”

Britain's most popular painkiller can damage the liver in the same way as cancer, a study shows. Scientists have known for decades that paracetamol in large amounts is dangerous for the liver. But the reasons have eluded them, until now. The breakthrough could open door for new drugs for liver damage. It may also offer valuable insights into poisoning caused by an excess dose which can be difficult to treat and prove fatal. Paracetamol is the leading cause of acute...

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