A Man was told he could go up and down steps despite having had his legs removed just months before and using a wheelchair, reports the Hackney Citizen. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has admitted there was an error in the process by which a double amputee from Hackney was assessed as being fit to work and had his benefits reduced. Despite having had both his legs amputated just months earlier, Julius Holgate, 53, scored zero via the...
The controversial cuts to disability benefits was met with derision by many people in UK, and seemed a particularly cruel cut in austerity Britain. Many viewed it as an attack on the most vulnerable in society. Now MPs have said that the planned cuts should be delayed until the Government can define how the changes will help those desperately in need of benefits to survive. Wealthy Zac Goldsmth, and candidate for London Mayor, has been booted out of Richmond AID...
Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, one of the highest ranking assistants to Donald Trump, has just made up a massacre to justify the ban on Muslims from Iraq. In a frightening interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews that aired last night she completely made up a terrorist attack committed by Iraqi refugees that never happened — the "Bowling Green Massacre". Joe Sonka was quick to point out the inaccuracies of her fictitious massacre, which she said "didn't get reported" under the Obama administration,...
Today an irate Sainsbury's shopper launched a scathing attack at his local store for having a fruit and vegetable selection "like a Third World country". Ray Houghton, 47, said that in this "day and age it's shocking" that the shelves have been left empty, adding that "with Donald Trump in power this might not be huge news, but it really isn't on". And he's not alone. As the vegetable crisis grips the nation it seems many people have been left bewildered at how extreme...
The last few weeks have seen media attention like never before around a single word that historically refers to an emission of wind from the anus. The Trump storm that has engulfed the media has actually been good news for the incoming president, playing in to the hands of his “shock and awe” campaign to destabilise Congress while reassuring his base that he would follow through on his campaign commitments. But it has also provided a similar boon to his allies across...
114 MPs voted against giving the European Union (Notification of Withdrawl) Bill a second reading. The Bill gives Theresa May the power to invoke Article 50 and start the two year, irreversible process of Brexit. The group included 50 SNP MPs, 47 Labour, seven Liberal Democrats alongside Tory Ken Clarke and nine others. This is the full list (see below) Lady Hermon (Independent - North Down) Meg Hillier (Labour (Co-op) - Hackney South and Shoreditch) Stewart Hosie (Scottish National Party...
The government has just published its White Paper setting out its Brexit plans. The document sets out the government’s 12 principles including migration control and "taking control of our own laws". Brexit Secretary David Davis said the UK's "best days are still to come", outside the EU. However one union has reacted angrily to the news, Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, said: “Today’s white papers borders on a fairy tale. “The lack of detail is so glaring that another white paper has already...
It's just over a week since The Don was inaugurated 45th President of the United States and that constant clatter you can hear are the pennies dropping for disappointed Donald Trump voters. Already. Yes with historic unfavourable polling for a newly inaugurated President, most voters in a recent poll believed Donald Trump would prove to be even more unpopular than Richard Nixon. And the speed with which Trump voters have realised that maybe they should not have voted for the reality...
There was only really one topic, which would dominate today’s session: should Theresa May have catapulted herself across the Atlantic to meet Donald Trump, and beg him to come for a state visit to meet our Liz. Corbyn demanded to know why May had taken so long to condemn Trump’s travel ban on seven mainly Muslin states. Also he wondered if May will sell off the NHS to keep Trump happy. Should we really roll out the red carpet to...
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