
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Britain in crisis as people overworked to dangerous levels

Britain is teetering on the edge of a silent crisis as people are been overworked to dangerous levels. A new study has found millions of employees are so tired at work they are unable to do their job safely, with pressure to meet demanding targets, work being too intense and a shortage of proper breaks are among the key reasons for workers being so shattered. David Carter, from Accident Advice Helpline, who commissioned the study, described the statistics as "really worrying",...

Revealed: Climate Science Deniers Seize On Trump And Brexit Victories

Kyla Mandel Editor of Desmog UK has been investigating the hidden contriving between shady fossil fuel lobbyists, prominent climate deniers, secretive think tanks, false news propagandists and government figures to subvert the unprecedented global consensus to tackle climate change of the Paris Agreement signed last year to achieve a crucial reduction in global warming. Let’s face it, Donald Trump could pull out of the Paris climate deal any day now and the UK could soon be left without any European environmental regulation...

First-born children more likely to do better at school

First-born children are more likely to do better at school because parents pay them more attention, according to new research. The extra focus gives them an "edge" over younger brothers and sisters and higher IQs - as early as the age of one. Researchers found the eldest child outperformed siblings in thinking skills after receiving more "mental stimulation". Advantages started from just after birth to three years old. The differences were highlighted in language, reading, maths and comprehension abilities. As subsequent...

Vicious brawl between huntsmen & protesters leaves activist with broken skull but police take no action

This is the shocking moment a vicious brawl erupts between huntsmen and protesters – leaving one animal rights activist with a fractured SKULL. The horrific footage shows a protester being confronted by a man dressed in hunting gear before two others attack him on the ground, leaving him with blood pouring from his face. Saboteurs claim they were staging a peaceful protest at a meet of the Cheldon Buckhounds, who were out with their dogs, before they were attacked. The...

Better service could boost consumer spending by £64.6 billion a year

Service with a smile could increase UK consumer spending by an astronomical £64.6 billion a year, new research has revealed. On average, people spend a £142.91 each week in shops and restaurants, but they would be willing to spend an additional £19.08 every week if they were to receive more attentive service. Despite this, just 11 per cent of Brits said they usually receive friendly service when shopping or eating out. Nils Christy, Chief Operating Offer at Monarch, said: “We...

Vote Leave director admits they won because they lied to the public

Buried in a 19,800 word Spectator essay written by former online editor and Vote Leave director Dominic Cummings is an admission: The Brexit referendum was won by lying to the public. The piece, found here, is well worth reading but also falls victim to classic mansplaining of a complex issue with many words wasted on prose that most politicians would be proud of, working around the subject rather than delving in to the heart of it. Of course, that's for a very good reason, because...

The company that could sell palm trees to a desert

You've heard about flogging wood to a forest and selling ice to Eskimos, but this must take the biscuit. A British firm has started exporting palm trees to the desert because there's a growing demand for disease-free trees. Date Palm Developments exports more than 140,000 plants a year to some of the hottest parts of the world, including Dubai, Egypt, Thailand and the Caribbean. The company has already sent over two million palm trees to 35 countries such as Australia, Peru, South Africa, Nigeria and...

How to Manage Your Finances Effectively

With the number of people reporting on suffering with stress relating to financial circumstances, there’s no wonder that people are looking for alternate ways to supplement or boost their income. If you’re in a similar situation, you don’t have to panic! Here are four simple ways that you can control your income and not let your financial situation affect your stress levels: 1. Have Multiple Income Streams The chances are, you may be struggling for money at the end of...

Stop dithering and start building – urges union

Solving the housing crisis isn't rocket science - stop dithering and start building, says the GMB. According to the union if the Tories had launched building projects for each of their 1,000 housing announcements since 2010, things would look a lot rosier. The government unveiled its delayed housing strategy today, topping off a series of ideas that have been pumped out weekly since they were in government. But instead of churning out an average of three ideas every week the best...

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