Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron's general election campaign got off to a flying start yesterday morning with a statement of intent within a few minutes of the Prime Minister's surprise call for a snap election on June 8. Customarily quick off the mark, the LibDem leader rose to Theresa May's challenge: “This election is your chance to change the direction of our country," he announced. “If you want to avoid a disastrous Hard Brexit. If you want to keep Britain in...
Fish put their heads together so that they can solve problems as a group, suggests a new study. Researchers found that the creatures 'pool' their experience in order to tackle challenging situations. By studying sticklebacks, scientists at the University of St Andrews realised the more experienced fish would teach the less experienced ones in the group and together they would complete tasks more easily. While some fish might know where to find food, others might know where to access it...
Bookmakers today shed light on an election devoid of opposition, pricing the Tories 1/7 to win an overall majority in June. With Labour significantly behind in the polls, the UK's opposition party is 14/1 to win the General Election, with "no majority" 13/2. The Conservatives are 1/10 to win the most seats, with Labour priced 7/1 and Lib Dems priced at 20/1. Betway’s Alan Alger, said: “Following Theresa May’s announcement this morning that the UK will hold a snap election on...
Remarkable images which show the hell that commuters in London go through every morning to get to work - crushed together like 'sardines.' Every morning more than a million people use the London Underground network, with the peak times being 7am and 9am. The London Economic has to deal with this every day, and as we approach summer it only gets worse. This is the price you pay for living in the capital. Sky high property prices, pint of lager...
Theresa May has called a snap General Election. In a Downing Street announcement just now, May says it is with reluctance that she called an election. May claimed that although the 'The country is coming together, but Westminster is not.' She challenges the opposition parties to accept an early election, then let the people decide. Political commentators say that Theresa May is very much going for a ‘vote Conservative for my vision of Brexit’. Here is the statement (this is not...
The PM has just announced a snap election, on June 8th, however only a matter of months ago she ruled it out. She asks for a period of stability, but has, today, changed her mind. Could it have anything to do with her lead over Labour in the Polls? Surely not. Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, said: "It is right that an un-elected Prime Minister goes to the polls, but this election cannot and should not be fought on sound bites...
In a surprise statement outside Number 10 Downing Street Prime Minister Theresa May called for a snap General Election on June 8, going back on repeated promised not to. With Conservatives around 20 points ahead of Labour in opinion polls, many Tory figures have been urging the PM to go ahead with this U-turn despite David Cameron's Fixed Term Parliament Act guaranteeing five year parliamentary terms, as she has faced recent parliamentary rebellions and is unlikely to ever have such...
With war looming on several fronts you can forgive President Trump for having a lot on his mind, but this is a comical balls-up none the less. While making his way through the crowd at the White House Easter egg roll, Trump was asked by a young child if he would sign his hat. He grabs a pen, quickly signs the hat and then throws it deep into the crowd amongst screams of "nooo!" from people standing around.# A kid...
At a time of unprecedented change, the CBI today has called on the Government to set out a clear mission to make the UK economy more open, innovative and inclusive and, as a result, the most competitive in the world by 2030. The UK’s leading business group believes that a modern Industrial Strategy with a clear sense of purpose will improve living standards and raise productivity. It should aim to reduce the productivity gap between the worst and best performing... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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