The tricky problem of why shoelaces become undone has been solved by scientists. Walking along and then suddenly having that horrible feeling of footwear becoming loose has frustrated humans for thousands of years. It occurs without warning - and a study now reveals the series of events that make it happen. A double whammy of footfall and whipping forces acts like an 'invisible hand', loosening the knot and then tugging on the free ends of your laces until the whole...
All parents want to ensure their child has the best start in life – that they are healthy, happy, and have the best opportunities. Going to university and obtaining a good degree is almost essential for most career paths in today’s professional environment, and a good university education is getting increasingly more expensive. As such, it’s essential that parents plan ahead, saving and investing money for the future. This guide offers useful tips for parents who want to make more...
The Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, clashed with a BBC journalist who attempted to ask a question about the Syrian crisis, while he was speaking at a small business event. The BBC reporter, Mark Lobel, was in the process of trying to ask a question about the conflict with Corbyn, and last week's chemical attack. The audience, at the Fed of Small Businesses, booed the BBC hack, and appeared to want to concentrate on business issues. Corbyn walked forward, in a...
A passenger was forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight by law enforcement on Sunday after refusing to give up his seat. According to a person who says they were on the flight, the airline needed room on the overbooked aircraft to reposition crew for another flight. But when it couldn't find enough volunteers, even after offering $800, the airline selected the man, who is a doctor, and several other passengers to deplane. United Airlines said: "Flight 3411 from Chicago to...
The young woman who has become a world-wide sensation for standing up for a muslim woman who was getting abused by EDL demonstrators, has said she is has no regrets about what she has done, and the media attention it has brought. Saffiyah Kahn came face-to-face with around one hundred far-right protesters after seeing Saira Zafar being targeted by the EDL thugs, as she was wearing a headscarf. Ms Khan showed no fear and even managed to smirk at the...
Frivolous spends are leaving Brits out of pocket to the tune of £400 a year, new research has found. Three quarters of Brits are frittering cash on purchases they don’t need on a daily basis, from takeaway coffees to nail varnishes. These unnecessary spends cost around £32.66 a month, leaving people almost £400 out of pocket every year, money which they could be saving instead of wasting. Almost half of adults admit their extravagant spending means they often buy things...
Scotland has become the first of the home nations to offer a drug which drastically cuts the chances of being infected with HIV. It will be offered by NHS Scotland. The drug, Prep, has just been approved by the Scottish Medicines Consortium, which will roundly offer the drug to patients who are eligible. At present time the drug is given to those who have HIV in Scotland, but after today's decision it will be used to prevent infection. It is...
A Spanish woman who fell to her death at a notorious suicide spot feared she was going to be kicked out of Britain because of BREXIT, an inquest heard. Miriam Macarron’Arroyo, 42, was found in the Avon Gorge on January 10, four days after she was reported missing. The care worker’s housemate Claire Tidman told an inquest that she feared she would be forced to leave her home in Easton, Bristol and sent back to Spain. She said Miriam, who...
The Labour party has been struggling with internal conflict and Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership has constantly come under attack, leaving little time to launch any policy initiatives. Now the Labour party has pledged to increase the minimum wage to £10 an hour if they win the next election. The policy would leave full-time employees on basic earnings better off by more than £2,500 while 21 to 24-year-olds on lower wage rates would be in line for a £4,500 hike. The polls... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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