
The latest local and national UK and International news.

London Businesses Likely to be Hit Hardest by Rate Increases

Thousands of businesses across the UK are set to be hit with changes to their business rates, with the majority of increases affecting companies based in the capital. Business rates are calculated in part based on the rental value of properties, and since the last revaluation in 2010 the value of many London properties has significantly risen. Central London, Mayfair, Brixton and Hammersmith are some of the areas set for a major increase in rates. Many will be able to...

NHS nurses using food banks and pay day loans to survive

Shocking news has emerged via a study that has found the shocking situation NHS workers have found themselves in. The study, by Unison, discovered that nurses are using food banks and applying for pay day loans just to get through the month, until the next pay day. The trade union said that years of pay freezes has left NHS staff without the funds to make ends meet. The survey of 21,000 workers found that one in ten had to pawn...

Global Wildlife Populations Fall by 58% in 40 Years

Global wildlife populations have fallen by 58 per cent over the past 40 years, according to a report by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and WWF. The worrying research has concluded that if the trends continues the decline could reach two-thirds among vertebrates by 2020, with animals living in lakes, rivers and wetlands suffering the biggest losses. It found that for freshwater species alone, the decline stands at 81 per cent since 1970. Human activity is chiefly to blame, causing habitat...

Wealthy Aristocrat Lambasts NHS Over £40 Charge Months After Doctors Saved Her Husband’s Life

A wealthy aristocrat lambasted the NHS over a £40 charge for a medical reference for a gun license months after doctors saved her husbands life. Multi-millionaire Lady Sara Bathurst, the High Sheriff of Gloucestershire, called the NHS a "disgrace" for making the charge, posting a photo of a letter received from her GP and accusing them of  "blackmail". But the privately-educated farmer's wife has since deleted the tweets, blaming her reaction on being "overtired" because her husband is currently in an NHS hospital. Labour...

PMQs 26TH October – “If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through”

I didn’t write my PMQs last week as I was in New York (show off) and simply had better things to do than listen to Theresa May say “Brexit means Brexit.” In fact there are few things worse, attaching a car battery to my own testicles….maybe. Also just to ensure we never enjoy a PMQs again a York University study has reported that Theresa May scores incredibly highly in dodging questions, oh joy. However, personally for the first time I...

Third Runway Could be Built “8 Metres Above M25”

The third runway at Heathrow could be built eight metres above the M25. Rather than tunnelling the motorway under the runway, plans have been put forward for building it on an eight metre ramp above it. It comes after senior highways officials warned of years of traffic mayhem and hefty bills if planners decided to tunnel Britain's busiest motorway under the new landing site. Mr Grayling said: "One of the things that Heathrow have been looking at is that what they do...

Kent University Labelled a “National Embarrassment” Over Black History Month Blunder

Kent University has faced backlash after it picked Zayn Malik and Sadiq Kahn as poster-boys for Black History Month. The Canterbury-based university was labelled a  “national embarrassment” by furious students for picking two representatives who are both half-British, half Pakistani and both born in Britain. Black History Month tweeted soon after the announcement: “Deeply disappointed at Kent University’s ill thought and misdirected Black History Month celebrations. “With Asian Heritage Month being observed by a growing number of countries in May, will...

In Pictures: Calais Migrant Camp Cleared

New pictures have emerged of French police clearing up the final refugees at the Calais migrant camp before demolition work begins. Some 2,000 migrants left voluntarily on Monday for centres across France, with hundreds more leaving today. The tents and structures that formed "The Jungle" which was once home to some 7,000 residents are now being pulled down, marking a sad end to a torrid period in our geopolitical history.   

Rise in shark attacks due to global warming and increased tourism, says report

The sharp rise in global shark attacks on humans are linked to global warming, tourism and new building projects in coastal regions. It appears that the water is more dangerous to enter in certain areas of the world, and sadly humans are to blame. It appears that humans are increasingly entering into the sharks natural habitat and that is leading to these attacks, which can easily be fatal. Warmer seas, due to global warming, allow sharks to increase their population...

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