
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Watch – Can’t be any worse than the polls…Psychic goat predicts Clinton win

Ok this isn't as scientific as an Ipsos/Mori poll, but traditional polls aren't exactly doing very well, so why not listen to a goat? I was, and still am sceptical about this animal's psychic ability, but it chose Clinton to win, and that's enough for me. It turns out that Boots the goat is a professional psychic that predicts political outcomes. The 3-year-old goat from Jedburgh, Scotland, beat many pundits by correctly asserting that the United Kingdom would vote to...

British austerity violating rights of disabled people, says UN

The savage cuts that have blighted the UK’s poor and lower middle class have “systematically violated the rights of disabled people,” concludes a UN study. The highly critical report, published in Geneva on Monday afternoon makes 11 recommendations to improve the circumstances of people with disabilities across the UK. The Conservative Government immediately rejected the claims. However, the level of cuts prompted many Tories to raise serious concerns about the impact it would have on the less well off in society....

Did Leave lie about £350m NHS money? CPS consider complaint

The CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) is considering a complaint regarding the Leave campaign, which it is felt misled the country with some of its claims during the campaign, leading to 52 per cent of voters opting to leave the European Project. The director of public prosecutions, Alison Saunders is now considering a complaint of "undue influence" over the referendum tactics by the Vote Leave and Leave.EU campaigns. Under electoral law, "undue influence" is a corrupt practice which includes the use of "a...

The Outrageous Wealth of World Politicians Revealed

The outrageous wealth of World politicians has been revealed in a new study which ranks our very own Boris Johnson and David Cameron amongst the wealthiest politicians in the World. Using a range of different sources, Lottoland has rounded up the likes of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and more to analyse just how much money each of the politicians has to their name, with some surprisingly contrasting results. Russian President Putin is reported to be worth...

Wow! Pics of new footbridge at legendary birthplace of King Arthur

We have been able to access pictures of a new footbridge that it is hoped will be built at Tintagel Castle, North Cornwall. English Heritage want to build the breathtaking bridge at the world famous site, the legendary birthplace of King Arthur. The remains of the ancient castle at the moment can bee seen on both the mainland and headland that were at one point connected by a strip of land. This new bridge which will be constructed slate, oak...

Is Prince Andrew an “enemy of the people” now? As he battles against Brexit

It has been alleged that Prince Andrew made anti-Brexit comments during a dinner last week, reports the Daily Mirror Many pro-EU will be supporters will be pleased that a prominent member of the royal family has come out against Brexit, however the royal family is supposed to keep out of politics and are supposed to keep their opinions on government decisions to themselves. Prince Andrew breaking with convention shows the importance of the matter and his level of concern. However,...

Scotland virtually powers all households for a month using wind power

More good renewable news from north of the border as Scotland produced 87 per cent of the electrical energy for its household, using wind power, in October. The data, supplied by WWF Scotland, showed that the power of the wind created almost 40 per cent of Scotland’s entire electricity requirement last month. It is hoped that this positive renewable news will encourage politicians to continue to push for investment in the renewable sector. the news could persuade politicians to push...

Labour could block Article 50, says Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has said that his party would consider voting against invoking Article 50 if the Conservative party can’t ensure the UK has access to the single market. Corbyn told the Sunday Mirror the Tories need to meet their “Brexit bottom line,” or they would rebel against the result of the EU referendum. Corbyn would join with Tory Remain MPs, Liberal Democrats and SNP members to try and block the bill. If there were enough dissenting Tory MPs Brexit could...

Is This The End For The Lollipop?

The end could be nigh for lollipop men and ladies as the popular crossing guards face the axe across the country. Cash-strapped Bristol City Council plans to ditch the patrol staff at 80 schools in a bid to slash £360,000 off its budget as it looks to meet a shortfall of £43 million after central Government cuts. A petition blocking the move has so far gathered nearly 1,000 signatures. In a letter to the lollipop men and women, the service director...

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